The Flaming, Steamer on Our Doorsteps, 2020

A selection of hand painted artwork done on tiles
A selection of original artwork done on tiles

2020, The Flaming Steamer On Our Doorstep by B.A.

Seems just like yesterday. I was howling at the moon from my front porch, in celebration of the coming new year.  2019 was so shitty. Our whole entire year, delivered a steaming load of flaming crap at our front door, on a monthly basis. I tried my best to find the positive.  I really worked hard at learning the lessons 2019 had to bestow, so that I could manifest 2020 to be so much better.  Transitions are always so difficult.  Growing pains mostly just suck but I know they are worth it in the end. I just felt a euphoric sense about 2020. It’s going to be magical, my year. Our year!!  If we could just hold on and work our way through the crappy juju of 2019, we would reap the rewards.  2020 life would be great, maybe even relaxing.

Back to the porch and that moment.

I was ready and happy to shed the yuck of 2019. As I said, a euphoric feeling took over me that night. I felt that 2020 would be magical and that really wonderful things would happen. This is worth repeating, I had super high hopes and intentions for the coming year!  Well, if I am completely honest and don’t rewrite history; I felt that way, as I was smudging all of the rooms of the house, before I walked out on to the porch to howl in the new year.


As I stood there in the dark, underneath a cloudy, sparsely starry night, howling along with the fireworks, I began to realize something. The  fireworks were not fireworks, they were gunshots.  A group of guys (I could hear them yelling, not one female voice in the group.) a couple of houses over, were out shooting their guns off into the night sky. I took a couple of min. to try and just let dumbasses be dumbasses. To try and find some sort of private solace in the goodbye of the 2019 midnight hour. However, it quickly occured to me, being outside on the porch while dumbasses, with zero gun sense, lit the night up with gunfire, was really NOT where I needed to be.  So I went inside, disheartened.

Not the ending I wanted to 2019 but who am I kidding, totally in line with the bullshit of 2019. Good riddance and goodbye.

So 2020 rolls along and here we are.

Oh it’s magical all right! Who would have thunk, this is where we would be in 2020? This is so NOT what I was working on manifesting for myself, yet alone the rest of the world. The only thing I take solace in is …. 2019 was about doing it alone and nobody knows your pain.  2020 on the other hand is, we are all in this pit of shit together (well, unless your filthy rich, a mortgage or utility company) and we are all feeling the pain.  So when you pass someone you know and you say, shit sucks, you totally know, they know where you are coming from.

We all have a steaming, flaming pile of poo on our doorstep. The universe has collectively rung our doorbells and has run around the corner laughing. I am not going to take the time to list all the ways this 2020 deal has impacted John and I. I realize, almost everyone is feeling the brunt.


2020 The Flaming Steamer At Our DoorstepsThe Flaming Steamer on our doorstep

So collectively speaking, I guess I feel a little better knowing that. Mostly though, for right now, I think I’m just going to be pissed off for a little bit. I’m aware, it doesn’t do anyone any good and impedes the whole moving forward thing. I also know, if you’re feeling it, own it. So, sorry, not sorry.

I will, in closing, put the  intention out there; that there will be an update to this blog, That will include all of the great and wonderful things to come out of this collective bag of flaming bullshit.

Thank You!

I hope you enjoyed reading “2020, The Flaming Steamer On Our Doorstep”.  Please check out my other (not so foul mouthed) BLOGS  or “LIKE” my FBPAGE!

If you had a little chuckle and you would like to share this with your friends, please feel free.  That’s what those social networking button are for. Put them to work!

And I would just love it, if you would check out my SHOP. I am always working on new things to inspire light spirits and happy hearts.

Thank you so much for visiting my website,

Peace, Love and Rocks,



Sorry mom for the cursing.






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