The Perseverance Rule

Original Hand Painted UpCycled drumhead art by All Things BA Art


The Perseverance Rule a blog about finding Outsider Art
All Thing BA Art, where you can shop for Whimsy Art by BA, Natural Healing Stones Jewelry, Crochet and Pottery


The Perseverance Rule, Outsider Art is about not giving up!

The perseverance rule is a very valuable rule to learn and follow. I think I have pretty much gone through life outside of a box.  As a younger person, I was never really in, with the “IN” crowd. I might of had a brief moment where I fit into a genre in high school but that was mainly due to the music I was listening to. Other than that, I kinda just moved to my own beat… I think. hahaha, There is that memory issue!

The Journey to Outsider Art

Anyway, lately I have noticed that Natural Healing Stones Jewelry is morphing, or more to the point, I am morphing and my box is not budging. I am now not only into Jewelry but am delving into glass fusing, pottery and art. OH MY!

The art thing took me by surprise really. Most of you don’t know this but my first two years in college, I was an art major. The first year was great. My professors were digging what I was putting out and I thought I was the bomb. Those were the ONLY classes I was making A’s and B’s in, I thought I had found my niche.

Then year two came, the year I decided to be politically outspoken. I didn’t much care for an overly liberal comment from a professor and had the gumption to say so. From then on my art work was deemed D/F worthy. WHAT?!?! That is how I discovered, I do art for myself. I decide what I like and don’t like.  I realized I didn’t much care for creating to please someone, just so that I could get a good grade. Then I had my accident… hahaha, another blog. Ahhh, the synchronicity of it all.

Embracing the Authentic Me

So here I am…. years, and years, and years away from those crushing, soul destroying moments of being told my work isn’t good. It’s Christmas and I’m in Iowa visiting my folks. My mom says, “let me show you what I have been doing.” We start with learning some watercolor techniques, then she gives me my first introduction to zentangle. …. it’s addictive…. and I’m off.

I quickly come home, have slumber parties, show all my girlfriends how to do it and vow to do all my Christmas cards by way of zentangle cards.(forgetting how totally time consuming it is, I think I did five!)

Well a year passes, I start taking pottery classes and I’m delving deeper and deeper into Zentangle. It morphs quickly into my Whimsy Cards. (I’ve been told by two expertly trained {yes, they paid thousands of dollars to get that label} ladies that, I am “not adhering to Zentangle standards”) My reply, in my head mind you,” I know a great professor you should meet but whatever.”

So… out with the Zentangle label and on to my own invented label, moving me from Whimsy cards to; Whimsy Art~ Made to inspire light spirits and happy hearts!! You  have absolutely no idea the kind of impact that finding out  people are buying my cards and instead of using them as note cards, are framing them for wall art, had on me.

WHAT! I was told I sucked!!! People like my art? People find value in this? I mean, talk about empowering!! Talk about giving the finger to the Ol’ Professor. Heck to the Yeah baby!!!! In addition to Whimsy Art, my pottery keeps picking up speed and I do believe somewhere down the line the two will join. I am in fact, very much looking forward to this marriage.

A wall-less box, can I get an AMEN!!!

That brings us to this, the need to re-brand myself. Who am I? What am I? Where is this all going? I still love, love, love making Natural Healing Stones but I’m so passionate about my other endeavors as well, even obsessed really. How to market myself? Trust me, I have done overtime on meditation on this and have devoted almost all of my 11:11’s to it. Then… through the magic of Jenn C. and FB, I found this lady, Sue Kreitzman, and she led me to this interview on You Tube and JUST LIKE THAT…. I found my box and It might be hip! It’s nice, big AND roomie!! There is so much room to grow, to be creative, there are no rules!!!



for the most part untrained, passionate about my art, not interested in critics, obsessed, driven by compulsion. The people who buy my lovelies do so because they have a visceral reaction when they see it. I LOVE THAT. Yes, not everyone is going to dig it. I get that and I don’t care! That is what is so great. So having a Sally Field moment right now, “they like me, they really like me!”

You can check out my REVIEWS here.  It thrills me that people “get” what I am doing and want to share their experiences about what my art means to them. Who would have thought!!!

I still have no idea how I am to market this or comprehending the morphing that is going to have to take place under the heading of Natural Healing Stones. (Suggestions are welcomed) I am, however, overjoyed at the changes and creativity that the coming 2015 presents. I can’t thank enough, the encouragement and support of my clients, friends and family. You all are very much a part of my unbelievable journey as an artist. You really do ROCK!!

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this and I would super appreciate it if you would browse my STOREFRONT or leave a comment below.  You can also check out my FB PAGE if you are so inclined!

If you would like to check out the interview I am speaking about, use this link.


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