The Supreme Court Fails Women
Dear Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett
At night when I go to bed, I give thanks for a quiet spot to lie down. A sheltered spot to sleep, with creature comforts of warmth or coolness while I sleep. Thankful that I am not starving, wondering when or where my next meal is coming from. That I am safe. I take a moment to send out love to those people living/working on the streets. Thankful that I was born and continue to live in a country that respects women and allows me the freedom to live out my hopes and dreams. I take a moment to send out love to; sisters, brothers, boys, girls and little children around the world who are sold into sex slavery, treated with less respect than an abused dog, denied creature comforts, education or any quality of life.
Supreme Court Fails Women
That didn’t happen last night. I am physically ill over your “Supreme Court” decision. I am enraged at the notion that I can’t be trusted to know what is right for my body but can fight wars for my country or give my hard earned money to the good and kind folks running this country. (Who, let’s face it, is abusing the shit out of that banking account, has zero restraint and is just abusing the system outright to meet their greed needs!)
I digress.
I remember growing up as a child hearing about women/ girls going to hack-job doctors out of desperation. Not only killing a fetus but killing / maiming women in the process. The so-called doctors, taking their money, leaving them for dead. Or women so desperate they were using coat hangers on themselves. I AM OLD ENOUGH TO REMEMBER THAT…. Shame on you, you effing out of touch with reality old goats, sitting in your supreme court ! All five of you are definitely old enough to remember the atrocities committed during that time period. You also “should” be well aware of what is happening in the foster care “industry” and how it is fueling sex trade, that the rate of sexual assaults, incest and molestation numbers are well on the rise. WTF happened to protect the people?
Supreme Court Fails Women
To ANY woman out there in need, I am here for you. You are not alone. I love a road trip and I believe you have the right to quality care in all of your decisions. If you need help, reach out.
You, a woman, is worthy and deserves the freedom to weigh ALL options, not just the options others have “set aside or deemed correct” for you. That is called fucking freedom you ignorant, overpaid, archaic, supreme court ass hats. Women are more than incubators, more than test tubes. Women are not here for you to rape physical, spiritually, emotionally or mentally.
“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” I won’t ever forget this day,EVER.
At night as I go to bed, I will take a moment to bend my energy and send karma to your doorsteps; Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. No amount of misspent (my hard earned money) government protection can protect you from “You reap what you sow.”
Stay tuned,
A woman who knows her worth and what she deserves.
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** Photo Credit to BritSync off SoundCloud