December’s Moon Energy

December Moon Energy, B.A.'s Blogs Blog writings by B.A. about the energies of the moon.

)O( ~~~ December Moon Energy ~~~ )O( 

New Moon on the 13th ~ )O(  ~ Full Moon on the 27th

December’s New moon shows up on the 13th of the month and the Full Moon slides in on the 27th. The Winter Solstice joins us on the 21st and signals a change in darkness but not before it delivers the shortest day of daylight in 2023!  Because the month of December has the shortest days of sunlight it  allows us to enjoy longer periods of moonlight at night. After the solstice the days will slowly grow longer.   Enjoy the December moon energy my Luna Lovers!!!

  • Farmer’s Almanac calls it the Cold Moon
  • The Wiccans call it the Long Nights moon (ancient pagans called it the Moon Before Yule)
  • The Native Americans practicing the Medicine Wheel call it the Earth Renewal moon

Interesting note;

“We all know there was a man on the moon, but did you know that there is one who stayed there? Dr. Eugene Shoemaker, a Geological Surveyor, who educated the Apollo mission astronauts about craters, never made it into space himself, but it had always been one of his dreams. He was rejected as an astronaut because of medical problems. After he died, his ashes were placed on board the Lunar Prospector spacecraft on January 6, 1999, which was crashed into a crater on the moon on July 31, 1999. The mission was to discover if there was water on the moon at the time, but it also served to fulfill Dr Shoemaker’s last wish.” Moon Facts @ *** I think the really disturbing part of this bit is, that NASA finds it acceptable to litter in space.

Bonus Round: a full moon on Christmas indicates a poor harvest. (how did 2020 miss this?!)

Tools to put in your tool box to aide in creating a sacred space for this December Moon Energy are:

  •  Colors associated with this moon cycle;   *blood red, *black, *white
  • Tree;      *Pine,*Fir, *Holly, Birch.
  •  Animal;  bear, horse, mouse, deer, snow goose
  • Stones;  *hyacinth, *peridot, *quartz, *turquoise
  •  Herbs;   *english ivy, *mistletoe, *holly, *fir, carnation, hemp, star anise
  • Scents;   *violet, *patchouli, *frankincense, *myrrh, *rose, *geranium
  • Flower;  *holly, *poinsettia, *Narcissus, pansies
  • Metal;     tin, pewter, lead
  • Tibetan talisman stone for those born in this month;  onyx

Words with * denotes that more than one type of source referenced the information.

There is a 7 day period to work with the full and new moon energies;

3 days before, the day of and three days after.

So don’t get buggered up if you can’t swing the date of! 😉

So, for the December Moon Energy,  we are entering the deepest yin of the year.  A time when the nature has withdrawn deep inside, resting, nurturing and dreaming. You may be feeling a bit emotional, withdrawn and maybe even weepy. It is only natural as it seems to be the “sensitive” time of year. Learning to enjoy solitude and to use the time to connect to the deeper you, makes coming together and connecting with loved ones that more meaningful. This is not depression, it is a replenishing time for you. Giving back to yourself.

A good meditation for this December’s full moon would be;

I take this time to learn, nurture and dream, to fill my cells and spirit with the divine, so that I can be re-birthed anew, better and healthier.

So, here we are, knocking at the door of the deepest yin of the year.  A time when nature has withdrawn deep inside, resting, nurturing and dreaming. You may be feeling a bit emotional, withdrawn, fearful and maybe even weepy. It is only natural, as it seems to be the “sensitive” deep feeling time of year.

Learning to enjoy solitude, to use this time to connect to the deeper you and to allow yourself a time of rest and healing, makes coming together and connecting with loved ones, that more meaningful. This is not depression, it is a replenishing time for you. Giving back to yourself. You give to others, you take care of others, it’s ok to do this for yourself as well.

It All Relates

The element that relates to the December Moon Energy and  winter season, is water.  It just seems like simple math, that the Water Element correlates to kidney and bladder function. As you may know, the kidney and bladder are responsible for purging the body of waste and toxins.  These important organs reflect the emotion of fear in the body and fear often emerges as sadness, frustration and anger. So, you are beginning to see how everything is tied together.  How glorious is it, that we are experiencing all of this water element wonderfulness, at the deepest yin time of the year. It seems almost laughable, to throw the world’s biggest holiday in on top of all this deep, deep, deep feeling and purging of emotions.

Transitioning To The Winter Diet

The days are shorter and we tend to do less activity during the winter season. If you do not wish to pack on the pounds, be mindful to use “comfort food” in moderation! Fruits seem to form only a small portion of our winter diet, due to availability. Vegetable fare moves from light salads, to denser, root oriented veggies; carrots, turnips, onions, beets and potatoes. Stews and soups are excellent ways to get our much needed veggies. Cooking with garlic and ginger will be especially beneficial in not only heating up the body but healing it as well.  Cooking with complex carbohydrates; whole grains, millet & buckwheat, make a great winter meal staples. Beware, too much heated oil and meats are hard on the liver during this time. Because the water element is so dominant during this season, look to the sea for good sources of protein and fat.

Teas are a wonderful way of keeping warm and most are beneficial to our health. Check out comfrey root, ginger root, cinnamon bark, fennel seed, peppermint and chamomile to steer you away from the winter chill and keep you cozy warm inside and out.

A possible mantra for this full moon cycle might be;

“I search deep within to find what’s mine and let go of the rest”

The Starting Line, “Get’r Done!”

We are now at the stage of our “Journey Inward” where we “get real with it!”. Now that we are entering the deepest yin portion of the year, It is time to get real with the boo boo’s hidden deep, deep down inside.  You know; the ones we want to sweep under the rug, the ones we stick our heads in the sand over, procrastinate like crazy over, the ones we blame others for. Yep, those ugly little hidden gems. It’s time our meditation efforts and thoughts acknowledge and claim those little soul churning nuggets of change.  Remember your intention that you set. Recall that you started this inner journey, because you wanted to heal, nurture and emerge a truly different being. Resist the fear, and acknowledge. Let your intention be your guide, during these meditations to deep change.

Moon Phases In Action

By the new moon, you should have a firm grasp on the deep changes you wish to address. During this new moon energy, clearly state your intentions of the changes you intend to rewire. You don’t have to share it with anyone but you do have to own your part and you have to name it. Be kind to yourself during this inner reflection period. Stay warm, get plenty of rest, nourishment and allow yourself space to just be.

As you work through this, you will find things you wish to let go, things that are not yours but you have been asked or forced to hold on to. Thank them for the part they played in making you who you are and then say goodbye to them during the full moon. Don’t be surprised if they resurface.  Deep Yin issues, well, run deep!  Often times it works like an onion and comes in layers.  It is only December, it is a journey and we just started. The great news is, the first step is the hardest. “Get’r Done” as they say!!

In closing,

Remember to be kind to yourself this winter, that going inward is a natural thing. Again, I say, I think a lot of people sometimes confuse this inward, solitary time with depression. Depression is a real thing and I get that it hits super hard during the winter season. I am not in anyway downplaying this. However, there is a difference between true depression and just going inward, feeling withdrawn and maybe even sad. It’s natural for these things to occur right now. All the cool kids are doing it; Mother Nature, Mother Earth and yes us!

Even if you didn’t sign on to take the inner journey to deep change, you may just inherently feel these things, because we are hardwired for it. So don’t fight it. Give yourself space, nourish yourself with healthy food and beverage, get plenty of sleep and dream of wonderful things to come. And one more thing, there is nothing like howling at a full moon, on that cold December night.  Just do it!!!

Did you like my December Moon Energy blog?

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Dry Herb & Resin Burner by All Things B.A. Art
Dried Herb / Resin Burners

Or you can find me on Facebook. or even better, subscribe to my YOUTUBE CHANNEL.

Please, before you leave check out my new Resin / Dried Herb Burners.  They are just wonderful to use in your new and full moon rituals. No mess charcoal bricks or ash. No mess, means more ZEN!!

Peace, Love, Rocks and Moon Blessings ya’all!


***  I did a lot of time-consuming research on this.  I do not mind if you use this for personal use, share with your friends, just share.  I do mind if you copy and paste it as your own information.  That would make BA very, very unhappy.  So let’s keep the good mojo going and just leave everything intact.  Thank you. 


For my friends working on wanting to build a family, this moon cycle is a big one due to being the deepest yin energy and water element. Focus on what blocks you might be experiencing and be sure to let them go out with the tide! 😉 you want to be ready when the 21st hits!

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Interested? Want to do some of your own research? I firmly believe, there is always more than one way to do something. This is why I am pulling from such a wide spectrum, when doing my research.

Here are the resources I am using.

“Dancing With The Wheel”

“Earth Power”

“Farmer’s Almanac”

“Staying Healthy With The Seasons”

“Tibetan Ayurveda ~ Health Secrets From The Roof Of The World”

“Natural Magick Of The Gray Witch Way”

“Gray Witches Grimoire”

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