October Moon Energy, Time Of Intention & Preparation

October Moon Energy, B.A.'s Blogs Blog writings by B.A. about the energies of the moon.

)O( ~~~ October Moon Energy ~~~ )O( 

  New Moon on the 15th ~)O( ~ Full Moon on the 29th

The October moon energies, alert us to prepare for the journey inward.  This month we enjoy the Harvest Moon on the 29th. Enjoy the October moon energy my Luna Lovers!!!

  • Farmer’s Almanac calls October’s full moons Harvest & Hunter’s full moons
  • The Wiccans call it the Blood moon
  • The Native Americans practicing the Medicine Wheel call this the Freeze Up moon

Interesting note;  two full moons in one month, indicates a time of flooding.

Tools to put in your tool box, to aide in creating a sacred space for October’s Moon Energies are:

  •  Colors associated with this moon; *green, orange, black, silver, red
  •  Tree; *yew, *cypress
  •  Animal; owl, jackal, scorpion, wolf
  •  Stones; *opal *tourmaline
  •  Herbs; *burdock, *pennyroyal, thistle, hops, mugwort, myrrh, ginger, thistle
  •  Scents; *pine, rosemary, patchouli, apple blossom, rose, strawberry
  •  Flower; calendula, rose, daisy,
  •  Metal; copper
  •  Tibetan talisman stone for those born in this month; jasper

    Dry Herb & Resin Burner by All Things B.A. Art
    Dried Herb & Resin Prayer Pot

Words with * denotes that more than one type of source referenced information.


No mess, means more ZEN!

Don’t know where to begin with your ritual? I just created the no mess Dried Herb / Resin Prayer Pots. Never deal with messy charcoal bricks or ash again.


There is a 7 day period to work with the full and new moon energies;

 3 days before, the day of and three days after.

So don’t get buggered up if you can’t swing the date of!


A good meditation for October Moon Energy would be ;

“what inner growth am I seeking over the wintering period and what preparations do I need to perform, that will allow and nurture that growth period?”

With the autumnal equinox behind us, the call to go inwards is fully upon us. October’s full & new moon energies are about intentions & preparations. Just like the earth sheds old energy and goes inward to nourish and recharge, so must we. Many consider this a great time of inner cleansing, prophecy, communing with the spirit world and performing shadow work.

For the past couple of months we have been, busy, busy with the growth and maturation that only summer can provide. September brought the equinox and ever so slowly, summer’s chapter has come to an end and fall has begun. Spring and summer are about outward growth and bounty, fall and and winter are about about inner growth and deep nourishing. October is the month to prepare for this journey inward.  Meditate and get clear on what intentions you will be setting for your winter path inward. Make your preparations to ensure health, wellness and balance during the coming shorter days of winter.

Preparations for the coming journey.

I approach the energy of October, much like I approach the energy of a new moon. My thoughts are about what I want to prepare for, as the winter months approach. Winter energy focuses on inward journeys.  Journeys of enlightenment, nourishment, rest and nurturing. Because it is often a period of quiet and alone time, despite all the holiday shenanigans, many people confuse this inward journey with depression.

Take this time to think about the things you would like to address in your life and prepare the space for this journey of deep change and enlightenment.  The Harvest and Hunter’s full moons are about just that, preparing for the long winter’s journey.  October’s Full and New moons are the time to look ahead, let go of what is not necessary for this trip and get ready for your “quiet” inner growth season. What you prepare for now, will allow for an easy transition into the space of inner reflection and growth of your future!


Autumn is governed by the Metal / Air element.

The metal element represents the mineral ores and salts of the earth. The element’s function is to create structure and communication. If you think of your body as a structure and the brain as the main wiring center, you can see how this element works within the confines of our bodies.

This element oversees the body’s lungs and large intestines. The color white is associated with the Metal Element.  Whiteness in the facial hue may represent an imbalance in the lungs and large intestines. People who have experienced illnesses with respiratory issues or grief and great sorrow, will have a white hue to their face.

These emotions, grief/sorrow/worry, that correspond to the Metal Element, if occurring for prolonged amounts of time, can cause damage to the lungs and large intestines.  This is the time of season to particularly address the cleanliness and upkeep of these two organs. It is bad mojo, to have sluggish lungs and a large intestine entering into the winter months. The month of October, is the time to prepare for a healthy winter.

The Fall Diet

We should be transitioning from our summer diets of fruits and green vegetables to our winter diets. Fruits are more apt to be phased out and more meats and dairy products are consumed during this season. If meats and dairy are not used in moderation with veggies, you run the risk of creating a sluggish immune system and creating an imbalance in the lung and large intestines.

With the increase of meat and dairy in our diets at this time, it is important to incorporate (locally grown when possible) veggies and seasonal fruits; grapes, apples, citrus fruits. Whole grains and other foods rich in vitamin B will also help to maintain a healthy balance with the intake of meat and dairy. Nuts & seeds will also be plentiful during this time. Start introducing the above into your diets at this time and be sure to store them for the winter months ahead. Take care not to overeat breads and sugary products during this time, as they will add to a sluggish system.  I know….. the holidays, RIGHT!!!  Vegetable soups with a bone broth base are an excellent preparation choice for the month of October.


There is much written about cleansing and to continue writing about it, would set me on the course of writing a book. At this time, I will just encourage you to look further into in spare time. It’s a great way to aid your body, in preparing for the harsh winter months of indoor living. It doesn’t have to be rocket science or torture, just do what you can do. Remember; you cannot blossom into the new you, with the old sludge hanging out, taking up space! GO SLUDGE, GO!!

For the HERB of it! 

Great herbs to introduce into your system at this time would be; comfrey and burdock root. Both are very effective for the lungs and aid in cell regrowth. Ginger tea is also beneficial for lung support and is a great way to warm up the insides! Check out your tea isle in the local supermarket and experiment around. GARLIC!  Get cooking with it because garlic is as beneficial health wise, as it is smelly! This amazing herb aids in just about all areas of health. It is great for the lungs and is also an amazing immune booster.


I cannot stress enough as to how beneficial this is to your body. Exercise gets your lymph and circulatory systems moving and helps to move out toxins. Honestly, I find a simple little walk just gets me moving forward in all things body, mind and spirit. You don’t have to become a world class Olympian, just take a simple little walk every day. Besides, HELLOOOOO, autumn = hikes!!!

Movement. Creating energy. Going Forward.

A possible mantra for the October moon energy cycle might be;

“taking the time to ready myself for a successful journey inward, is a gift I am worthy of, ”

In closing:

Remember to be kind to yourself as we ready ourselves for deep inner growth and enlightenment. Life within our bodies will be slowing down during the winter months, despite holiday festivities and what not. So, during October’s full moons and new moon phases, take a quick look back, acknowledge what is not needed or is not “working”  and let it go with the wind. Take this time to finish up those loose ends that need to be addressed and prepare our body, mind and soul for what lays ahead. Last but not least, seriously consider the intention you will be setting for your inward journeying,  Intention doesn’t get the respect it deserves.  I do believe it is the first step to a beautiful outcome. Sometimes it helps to howl with that wind on a full moon night, don’t be shy!!

Did you like my October Moon Energy blog!

I hope you will enjoy my other blogs about COOKING WITH B.A. and my PERSONAL MUSINGS.

Double Shot Espresso Crystal Keepers
Crystal Keeper Mugs & Cups

Also, I sell so many wonderful things in my SHOP FOR B.A. ART  to help celebrate the moon. Be sure to check out the new CRYSTAL KEEPER MUGS, They will be perfect for any moon celebration.

You can find me on Facebook. or even better, subscribe to my YOUTUBE CHANNEL. and keep up with what is going on in my creative part of the world!

Peace, Love, Rocks and Moonbeams ya’all!


***  I did a lot of time-consuming research on this.  I do not mind if you use this for personal use, share with your friends, just share.  I do mind if you copy and paste it as your own information.  That would make BA very, very unhappy.  So let’s keep the good mojo going and just leave everything intact.  Thank you.

 ∞   ∞  ∞  )O(  ∞  ∞  ∞

Interested? Want to do some of your own research? I firmly believe, there is always more than one way to do something. This is why, when doing my research, I am pulling from such a wide spectrum of information.

Here are the resources I am using:

  • “Dancing With The Wheel”
  • “Earth Power”
  • “Farmer’s Almanac”
  • “Staying Healthy With The Seasons”
  • “Tibetan Ayurveda ~ Health Secrets From The Roof Of The World”
  • “Natural Magick Of The Gray Witch Way”
  • “Gray Witches Grimoire”

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