BA explains in her blog what and how to smudge
What is Smudging. BA's blog answers the question, what is smudging or saging?
BA’s answers the question what is smudging?

Smudging with B.A.


What Is Smudging? November 3rd, 2017

I remember when I was asking this question! My Smudging practices have gotten a little more detailed than when I first started out but some of you have been asking me “what is smudging and how do you do it?” So, I thought I would share how I began. John always has a New Years Eve gig and is gone so, I began by starting the new year off clearing the house. You can take these steps I used and morph them to your own needs. Best wishes!!!


I first verbalize my intentions for the smudging. I come up with a mantra giving thanks and bidding stagnant, useless energy goodbye and welcome needed positive energy in to my home. You can use this or come up with something that meets your specific needs. I will open a window in every room and I will open all entrance doors to the home. (Yes, sometimes it is cold, be sure to turn off your heat.) I, myself, will play some sort of music in the background, maybe Tibetan Singing Bowls or Reiki music but you can play Pantera to Steely Dan or try silence, make it your own!

I Start in the furthest back right-hand room of my home. Light one end of sage bundle. Carefully blow out the flame to allow the end to smolder. Make sure to have a small saucer or abalone shell to catch any falling embers.
Move in a counterclockwise direction around the room and allow the smoke to get into every corner of the room (including closets.) Continue counterclockwise on to the next room. I like to make a circle in each doorway, moving counterclockwise, three times, each time speaking the above mentioned mantra out loud. Keep smudging in this direction until you have done every room in the home. (Note: counterclockwise is the
direction to move when the intention is to get rid of something, ie. Unneeded, used up, stagnant energy, old habits, etc.)

Closing out your ceremony.

When finished smudging each room, I will sit for a couple of minutes to wait for the smoke to clear. During this time I light a solid white candle and focus on replacing the energy I just cleared away with positive, useful energy. Allow candle to either burn out completely or burn for at least 30 min. (I usually meditate for the 30 min then close the windows and doors but if you want to close them sooner, that’s fine) Each time you light the candle; make sure to spend a few minutes visualizing positive energy coming into your home (space)


Be sure to visit my DRIED HERB/RESIN BURNERS. No mess means more zen!  I am so happy with the way they came out and they burn so clean. No more messy charcoal or ash.

Do you have a smudging ritual/ceremony?  I welcome your comments below or you can reach out to me on my FB PAGE, to share your thoughts.  Also, please feel free to visit my my blog “For the Love Of Luna” to learn about what energies are facing us during the moon phases.  This blog also has many great tips on how to strengthen your intention ceremonies and how to add to you rituals.


Smudge Sticks. Ritualistic purification of unwanted energies spans many cultures Smudge sticks can be made of many types of herbs, not just sage.Smudge Wands. Some of the herbs I use to make my own smudge sticks are; sage lavender, bay leaves and thyme What is smudging. Bound smudge sticks will provide a nice fragrance while they wait their turn to be used.

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