

The Metaphysical Journey of Stones & Crystals

There is so much to learn, read and share when it comes to the metaphysical properties of stones and crystals.  I have spent over 20 years reading and working with them. Today, I am only sharing little snippets of what I have learned.  If this little bit peaks your interest in learning more, I encourage you down this path. I, myself, have found it encouraging, empowering and enlightening.  Comforting too, but that didn’t start with and E!

Can Lapis Energy Heal You?

People ask me all the time, can stones really heal you? My belief is; that stones and crystals can aid you in moving through dis-ease but no, I would say they are not a cure. I would not tell you to use them instead of going to a practitioner. I use them more like guides and I use them for meditation. You can check out my YouTube video, where I discuss this further.


Information of this stone dates back all the way to 5,000 B.C. Wow, that’s a long time!! It’s compound word is defined as azul (Arabic) meaning “blue sky” and the (Latin) lapis, meaning “stone”. The Assyrians believed this to be the holy stone Uknu, which brought the blue of the sky and with it the light of the gods to the earth.

This is a stone of protection and of enlightenment. It is often used for dream work and psychic exercises because it promotes clear understanding and intuition. This stone helps to balance the functioning of the thyroid gland.

This stone should be used on the throat chakra or placed on the forehead.

You may cleanse your stone once a month, by placing it in a bowl of hematite and then recharged in a mass of rock crystals.

◊♦◊ This “cleansing” is meant for single stones or crystals, not my handmade jewelry.


BA's Selection of handmade DayDreamers
Selection of my DayDreamers

So, that is just a little bit of an overview on Lapis energy. If you have any interest in purchasing some genuine Lapis jewelry, please take a look at my Jewelry in my SHOP    for some beautiful one of a kind designs. Also, I have just launched my CRYSTAL KEEPER MUGS. I am so happy with them and would appreciate it, if you would check them out. And, if you would like some good vibe, metaphysical art in your home, please be sure to see my DAYDREAMERS. 

Stone Charts & Custom Work

I also offer a custom service to my clients. The very unique service I offer, is the chance to have a completely customized piece of jewelry, that is unique and specific to only you.  I offer a service where I will run a stone chart on a client.  I take the month and day they were born, research that sign and then pose a few questions to the individual. Based on the weaknesses and strengths of their sign, coupled with their likes and dislikes, I design a piece of jewelry just for them, based on the stones that fall in their chart. I will then Reiki the piece, to close out it’s creation. Costs vary on time of research, types of gems and size of necklace. If you have an interest in this customized service, please feel free to email me at


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog.  If you found this of interest, please check out my,

FOR THE LOVE OF LUNA blog. There you will find so many great ways to utilize crystals and healing stones. Please join me on my :


InstaGram Feed

YouTube Channel

Malachite Energy

Malachite, A Custom Necklace for Norman Reedus
A necklace with Malachite, I made for Norman Reedus

Malachite Energy

The Metaphysical Journey of Stones & Crystals

There is so much to learn, read and share when it comes to the metaphysical properties of stones and crystals.  I have spent over 20 years reading and working with them. Today, I am only sharing little snippets of what I have learned.  If this little bit peaks your interest in learning more, I encourage you down this path. I, myself, have found it encouraging, empowering and enlightening.  Comforting too, but that didn’t start with and E!

Can Malachite Energy Heal You?

People ask me all the time, can stones really heal you? My belief is; that stones and crystals can aid you in moving through dis-ease but no, I would say they are not a cure. I would not tell you to use them instead of going to a practitioner. I use them more like guides and I use them for meditation. You can check out my YouTube video, where I discuss this further.

Malachite –

It is said, in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, “ the goddess of the sky drops stars on the earth, in the shape of green stones.” The Egyptians collected their Malachite from the Sinai peninsula and used it for their amulets.

This stone is considered a “transformation” stone and is particularly useful for pregnant women. It promotes growth and builds up strength. Also, it is a useful stone to promote understanding and spirituality. It helps to draw out deep feelings of hurt and resentment. It clarifies emotions and releases negative emotions. This makes it an ideal stone for meditation use.

It is particularly effective over the heart chakra but may be used to clear and activate all chakras.

Wear on the left hand or place on the third eye. To care for your malachite, you may discharge your stone by wrapping it in a handkerchief and placing it among dry tumbled stones. To recharge, place stone among rock crystals.

◊♦◊ This “cleansing” is meant for single stones or crystals, not my handmade jewelry.


Double Shot Espresso Crystal Keepers
Crystal Keeper Espresso Cups
So, that is just a little bit of an overview on Malachite energy.

If you have any interest in purchasing some genuine Malachite jewelry, please take a look at my Jewelry in my SHOP    for some beautiful one of a kind designs. Also, I have just launched my CRYSTAL KEEPER MUGS. I am so happy with them and would appreciate it, if you would check them out. And, if you would like some good vibe, metaphysical art in your home, please be sure to see my DAYDREAMERS. 

Stone Charts & Custom Work

I also offer a custom service to my clients. The very unique service I offer, is the chance to have a completely customized piece of jewelry, that is unique and specific to only you.  I offer a service where I will run a stone chart on a client.  I take the month and day they were born, research that sign and then pose a few questions to the individual. Based on the weaknesses and strengths of their sign, coupled with their likes and dislikes, I design a piece of jewelry just for them, based on the stones that fall in their chart. I will then Reiki the piece, to close out it’s creation. Costs vary on time of research, types of gems and size of necklace. If you have an interest in this customized service, please feel free to email me at


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog.  If you found this of interest, please check out my,

FOR THE LOVE OF LUNA blog. There you will find so many great ways to utilize crystals and healing stones. Please join me on my :


InstaGram Feed

YouTube Channel

Labradorite Energy


Labradorite & Swarovski Crystal Necklace by All Things B.A. Art
Labradorite Stone, Necklace


The Metaphysical Journey of Stones & Crystals

There is so much to learn, read and share when it comes to the metaphysical properties of stones and crystals.  I have spent over 20 years reading and working with them. Today, I am only sharing little snippets of what I have learned.  If this little bit peaks your interest in learning more, I encourage you down this path. I, myself, have found it encouraging, empowering and enlightening.  Comforting too, but that didn’t start with and E!

Can Labradorite Energy Heal You?

People ask me all the time, can stones really heal you? My belief is; that stones and crystals can aid you in moving through dis-ease but no, I would say they are not a cure. I would not tell you to use them instead of going to a practitioner. I use them more like guides and I use them for meditation. You can check out my YouTube video, where I discuss this further.

Labradorite –

has won the award for the most boring tid-bit on my list… get ready… wait for it…

This stone was discovered at the end of the eighteenth century on the Canadian peninsula of Labrador. Told you! Gosh and It’s really such a beautiful stone. Maybe I could try to make something up.

This stone combines intellectual thought with intuitive wisdom. It aligns the physical and etheric bodies and will deflect unwanted energy from the wearer’s aura.

This stone will work well on the sacral and heart chakra.

For healing purposes, this stone should be carried around. If it becomes cloudy, cleanse it by placing it in mineral water and leave out in the sun for a few days.

◊♦◊ This “cleansing” is meant for single stones or crystals, not my handmade jewelry.


Labradorite & Clear Quartz Coffee Mug by All Things B.A. Art
Labradorite Crystal Keeper Mug
So, that is just a little bit of an overview on Labradorite energy.

If you have any interest in purchasing some genuine Labradorite jewelry, please take a look at my Jewelry in my SHOP    for some beautiful one of a kind designs. Also, I have just launched my CRYSTAL KEEPER MUGS. I am so happy with them and would appreciate it, if you would check them out. And, if you would like some good vibe, metaphysical art in your home, please be sure to see my DAYDREAMERS. 

Stone Charts & Custom Work

I also offer a custom service to my clients. The very unique service I offer, is the chance to have a completely customized piece of jewelry, that is unique and specific to only you.  I offer a service where I will run a stone chart on a client.  I take the month and day they were born, research that sign and then pose a few questions to the individual. Based on the weaknesses and strengths of their sign, coupled with their likes and dislikes, I design a piece of jewelry just for them, based on the stones that fall in their chart. I will then Reiki the piece, to close out it’s creation. Costs vary on time of research, types of gems and size of necklace. If you have an interest in this customized service, please feel free to email me at


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog.  If you found this of interest, please check out my,

FOR THE LOVE OF LUNA blog. There you will find so many great ways to utilize crystals and healing stones. Please join me on my :


InstaGram Feed

YouTube Channel

Cool Brews with B.A.

BAs Cool BrewsCool Brews with B.A.

Ahh, coffee! I am not sure if I am into the actual taste of coffee or if I am just in to the ceremony of it all.  The standing around waiting for it to brew. Getting my cup prepared;  rationing out my sugar, getting the cream out and in the winter, so my brew doesn’t turn ice cold when it is poured, I will warm my cup up.  Then, there’s that moment of the pouring from the pot to the cup. That sound, with all of its anticipation, coupled along with the steam rising and the savory aroma, mmmm. What a divine moment.  It does it’s very best to beckon me to come to and join the day.



March’s Full Moon is a call for spring.

)O( ~~~ March Moon Energy ~~~ )O( 

New Moon on the 10th ~ )O(  ~ Full Moon on the 25th 

The March moon energies bring us the much awaited, call to spring!!  March 19th, we celebrate and rejoice….. SPRING IS ON THE WAY!!! The Sun will shine directly on the equator and there will be nearly equal amounts of day and night throughout the world. This is known as the first day of spring (vernal equinox) in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of fall (autumnal equinox) in the Southern Hemisphere. Enjoy the March moon energy my Luna Lovers!!!

  • Farmer’s Almanac calls it the Sap or Worm Moon
  • The Wiccans call it the Storm moon
  • The Native Americans practicing the Medicine Wheel call this the Big Winds moon

Interesting note; according to folklore, it is lucky to hold a moonstone in your mouth at the full moon. It is said that if you do this, the future will be revealed.

Tools to put in your tool box, to aide in creating a sacred space for March’s Moon Energies are:

  •  Colors associated with this moon; *pale green *red violet, turquoise
  •  Tree; Ash, Adler, Dogwood
  •  Animal; Cougar, hedgehog, boar
  •  Stones; *Aquamarine, *Bloodstone, *Pink Fluorite, Amethyst
  •  Herbs; *broom, *yellow dock, *Irish moss, Jasmine, star anise, sage, catnip
  •  Scents; *honeysuckle, *apple blossom, sandalwood
  •  Flower; violet, daffodil, jonquil
  •  Metal; tin, platinum, pewter
  •  Tibetan talisman stone for those born in this month; Jade

Words with * denotes that more than one type of source referenced this correspondence


Orange Carnelian

Metaphysical Vibrations of Orange CarnelianORANGE CARNELIAN

The Metaphysical Journey of Stones & Crystals

There is so much to learn, read and share when it comes to the metaphysical properties of stones and crystals.  I have spent over 20 years reading and working with them. Today, I am only sharing little snippets of what I have learned.  If this little bit peaks your interest in learning more, I encourage you down this path. I, myself, have found it encouraging, empowering and enlightening.  Comforting too, but that didn’t start with and E!

Can Orange Carnelian Heal You?

People ask me all the time, can stones really heal you? My belief is; that stones and crystals can aid you in moving through dis-ease but no, I would say they are not a cure. I would not tell you to use them instead of going to a practitioner. I use them more like guides and I use them for meditation. You can check out my YouTube video, where I discuss this further.


This stone is considered one of the oldest protective gemstones in history. The Egyptians wore this stone to promote vitality and also placed it in tombs “as magic armor” to protect in the afterlife. Carnelian increases vitality and ones zest for life, while enhancing stability and courage, to carry out normal daily tasks. This stone associates with the sacral chakra. It is best worn as a pendant or as a belt buckle. Carnelian should be cleansed once a month under warm running water. Recharge stone by placing it in sunlight.

◊♦◊ This “cleansing” is meant for single stones or crystals, not my handmade jewelry.


Orange Carnelian Skull DayDreamer Suncatcher All Things B.A. Art made with genuine stones
Artisan made, genuine orange carnelian & hematite DayDreamer

So, That is just a little bit of an overview on Orange Carnelian. If you have and interest in purchasing some genuine Orange Carnelian jewelry, I have some beautiful, one of a kind pieces in my SHOP  

I also have just launched my CRYSTAL KEEPER MUGS. I am so happy with them and would appreciate it, if you would check them out. DAYDREAMERS  that you see in the picture to the right are also for sale.

Stone Charts & Custom Work

I also offer a custom service to my clients. The very unique service I offer, is the chance to have a completely

customized piece of jewelry, that is unique and specific to only you.  I offer a service where I will run a stone chart on a client.  I take the month and day they were born, research that sign and then pose a few questions to the individual. Based on the weaknesses and strengths of their sign, coupled with their likes and dislikes, I design a piece of jewelry just for them, based on the stones that fall in their chart. I will then Reiki the piece, to close out it’s creation. Costs vary on time of research, types of gems and size of necklace. If you have an interest in this customized service, please feel free to email me at


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog.  Please join me on my :


InstaGram Feed

YouTube Channel

Sodalite Energy Properties

Metaphysical Vibrations of Amethyst


The Metaphysical Journey of Stones & Crystals, SODALITE

There is so much to learn, read and share when it comes to the metaphysical properties of stones and crystals.  I have spent over 22 years reading and working with them. Today, I am only sharing little snippets of what I have learned.  If this little bit peaks your interest in learning more, I encourage you down this path. I, myself, have found it encouraging, empowering and enlightening.  Comforting too, but that didn’t start with and E!

Can Sodalite Heal You?

People ask me all the time, can stones really heal you? My belief is; that stones and crystals can aid you in moving through dis-ease but no, I would say they are not a cure. I would not tell you to use them instead of going to a practitioner. I use them more like guides and I use them for meditation. You can check out my YouTube video, where I discuss this further.


Did you know that sodalite contains a lot of salt? It does. Back in the time of antiquity, sodalite was the stone of all artist because of its ability to promote inspiration and creativity. It was not favored well in the middle ages but has regained it popularity in modern times. This stone unites logic and intuition while eliminating mental confusion. It calms the mind and allows for one to receive information. It is considered a good stone to reduce high blood pressure and promotes a calming effect on the thyroid gland. Sodalite is most effective on the third eye. This stone should be worn or carried around as a touchstone for long periods of time. Discharge stones weekly or whenever the stone becomes cloudy, by running it underwater. To recharge, place the stone in water together with rock crystals.

◊♦◊ This “cleansing” is meant for single stones or crystals, not my handmade jewelry.

All Things BA Art offers up mix & match sets. Sodalite Bracelet Set
Artisan made & original design. Genuine Sodalite stacking bracelets.

So, that is just a little bit of an overview on Sodalite. If you have an interest in purchasing some genuine Sodalite jewelry, you should check my SHOP    for some beautiful one of a kind designs, like the staking bracelet you see to the right. I have also just put up my new CRYSTAL KEEPER MUGS. Start every morning out on a good vibe.

Stone Charts & Custom Work

I also offer a custom service to my clients. The very unique service I offer, is the chance to have a completely

customized piece of jewelry, that is unique and specific to only you.  I offer a service where I will run a stone chart on a client.  I take the month and day they were born, research that sign and then pose a few questions to the individual. Based on the weaknesses and strengths of their sign, coupled with their likes and dislikes, I design a piece of jewelry just for them, based on the stones that fall in their chart. I will then Reiki the piece, to close out it’s creation. Costs vary on time of research, types of gems and size of necklace. If you have an interest in this customized service, please feel free to email me at

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog.  If you found this of interest, please check out my,

FOR THE LOVE OF LUNA blog. There you will find so many great ways to utilize crystals and healing stones. 

Please join me on my :


InstaGram Feed

YouTube Channel

Peace, Love & Rocks, 


Amethyst Energy

Metaphysical Vibrations of Amethyst


The Metaphysical Journey of Stones & Crystals, Amethyst

There is so much to learn, read and share when it comes to the metaphysical properties of stones and crystals.  I have spent over 20 years reading and working with them. Today, I am only sharing little snippets of what I have learned.  If this little bit peaks your interest in learning more, I encourage you down this path. I, myself, have found it encouraging, empowering and enlightening.  Comforting too, but that didn’t start with and E!

Can Amethyst Heal You?

People ask me all the time, can stones really heal you? My belief is; that stones and crystals can aid you in moving through dis-ease but no, I would say they are not a cure. I would not tell you to use them instead of going to a practitioner. I use them more like guides and I use them for meditation. You can check out my YouTube video, where I discuss this further.


Buddhist monks in India use this stone to meditate. This stone is considered a powerful healer and protector. It enhances psychic abilities and spiritual awareness. Some use amethyst to alleviate migraines and to improve the owner’s concentration. Many people use amethyst as a tool to connect to their higher power, in regards to seeking their higher purpose.  This stone is associated with the crown and brow chakra.  To cleanse your amethyst stone; wash it once a month under warm running water and leave overnight among hematite stones.

◊♦◊ This “cleansing” is meant for single stones or crystals, not my handmade jewelry.

So, that is just a little bit of an overview on Amethyst. If you are interested in purchasing some genuine

Amethyst Pendant Boho Necklace by All Things B.A. Art
Artisan made. Genuine Amethyst & clear quartz necklace.

Amethyst jewelry, you should check my SHOP    for some beautiful one of a kind designs. I have also just launched my CRYSTAL KEEPER MUGS / CUPS. Check them out if you have time.

Stone Charts & Custom Work

I also offer a custom service to my clients. The very unique service I offer, is the chance to have a completely

customized piece of jewelry, that is unique and specific to only you.  I offer a service where I will run a stone chart on a client.  I take the month and day they were born, research that sign and then pose a few questions to the individual. Based on the weaknesses and strengths of their sign, coupled with their likes and dislikes, I design a piece of jewelry just for them, based on the stones that fall in their chart. I will then Reiki the piece, to close out it’s creation. Costs vary on time of research, types of gems and size of necklace. If you have an interest in this customized service, please feel free to email me at

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog.  If you found this of interest, please check out my,

FOR THE LOVE OF LUNA blog. There you will find so many great ways to utilize crystals and healing stones. 

Please join me on my :


InstaGram Feed

YouTube Channel

Peace, Love & Rocks, 



Pearls by All Things B.A. Art
Pearl Choker by All Things B.A. Art


The Metaphysical Journey of Stones & Crystals

There is so much to learn, read and share when it comes to the metaphysical properties of stones and crystals.  I have spent over 20 years reading and working with them. Today, I am only sharing little snippets of what I have learned.  If this little bit peaks your interest in learning more, I encourage you down this path. I, myself, have found it encouraging, empowering and enlightening.  Comforting too, but that didn’t start with and E!

Can Pearls Energy Heal You?

People ask me all the time, can stones really heal you? My belief is; that stones and crystals can aid you in moving through dis-ease but no, I would say they are not a cure. I would not tell you to use them instead of going to a practitioner. I use them more like guides and I use them for meditation. You can check out my YouTube video, where I discuss this further.

Pearls –

They say, Cleopatra would serve wine with ground pearls in it, to her more important guests. While I love to wear them, I’m not sure I’m ready to drink them. This tid-bit, however, was much better than … Lucifer is said to have broken his teeth, because of his craving for pearls. (probably best not to look further into that one)

I do know, Pearls are not stones or crystals at all, they are considered part of the marine animal kingdom. I do use them often in my jewelry and so I have added them to this list.

Pearls promote wisdom and contentment through life, well on into old age. They reduce allergies and can alleviate migraines and chronic headaches. Pearls should be worn directly on the skin. (do not have them come in contact with perfume or makeup) When not worn, they should be stored in the dark.

To cleanse them; place on dry sea salt over night, then recharge by placing them in and oyster shell.

◊♦◊ This “cleansing” is meant for single stones or crystals, not my handmade jewelry.

18in large pearl and leather necklace by BA
16 in. pearl and leather necklace with pyrite stones by All Things BA Art
So, that is just a little bit of an overview on Pearl energy.

If you have any interest in purchasing some genuine Pearl jewelry, please take a look at my Jewelry in my SHOP    for some beautiful one of a kind designs. Also, I have just launched my CRYSTAL KEEPER MUGS. I am so happy with them and would appreciate it, if you would check them out. And, if you would like some good vibe, metaphysical art in your home, please be sure to see my DAYDREAMERS. 

Stone Charts & Custom Work

I also offer a custom service to my clients. The very unique service I offer, is the chance to have a completely customized piece of jewelry, that is unique and specific to only you.  I offer a service where I will run a stone chart on a client.  I take the month and day they were born, research that sign and then pose a few questions to the individual. Based on the weaknesses and strengths of their sign, coupled with their likes and dislikes, I design a piece of jewelry just for them, based on the stones that fall in their chart. I will then Reiki the piece, to close out it’s creation. Costs vary on time of research, types of gems and size of necklace. If you have an interest in this customized service, please feel free to email me at

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog.  If you found this of interest, please check out my,

FOR THE LOVE OF LUNA blog. There you will find so many great ways to utilize crystals and healing stones. Please join me on my :


InstaGram Feed

YouTube Channel


Metaphysical Vibrations of Turquoise


The Metaphysical Journey of Stones & Crystals, Blue Turquoise

There is so much to learn, read and share when it comes to the metaphysical properties of healing stones & crystals.  I have spent over 22 years reading and working with them. Today, I am only sharing little snippets of what I have learned.  If this little bit peaks your interest in learning more, I encourage you down this path. I, myself, have found it encouraging, empowering and enlightening.  Comforting too, but that didn’t start with and E!

Can Stones & Crystals Heal You?

People ask me all the time, can stones really heal you? My belief is; that stones and crystals can aid you in moving through dis-ease but no, I would say they are not a cure. I would not tell you to use them instead of going to a practitioner. I use them more like guides and I use them for meditation. You can check out my YouTube video, where I discuss this further.


American Indians consider this a holy stone. It helps to lift depression, gives self-confidence and promotes endurance. It is wonderful for promoting spiritual attunement and unites energies of the sky and earth. This stone is usually associated with the throat chakra and will aid in clearer communication. Many believe that this stone’s profound power promotes tranquility and wisdom.

This stone resonates strongly with Sagittarius.

To cleanse your turquoise stone; once a month, place your stone in a bowl of hematite, then overnight recharge it by placing it among rock crystals.

◊♦◊ This “cleansing” is meant for single stones or crystals, not my handmade jewelry.

Turquoise & White Jade Necklace by All Things B.A. Art
Artisan made, genuine turquoise, white jade & smoky quartz collar necklace with Hill Tribe Silver clasp

So, that is just a little bit of an overview on Blue Turquoise. If you have any interest in purchasing some genuine turquoise jewelry, please take a look at my SHOP    for some beautiful one of a kind designs. Also, I have just launched my CRYSTAL KEEPER MUGS. I am so happy with them and would appreciate it, if you would check them out.

Stone Charts & Custom Work

I also offer a custom service to my clients. The very unique service I offer, is the chance to have a completely customized piece of jewelry, that is unique and specific to only you.  I offer a service where I will run a stone chart on a client.  I take the month and day they were born, research that sign and then pose a few questions to the individual. Based on the weaknesses and strengths of their sign, coupled with their likes and dislikes, I design a piece of jewelry just for them, based on the stones that fall in their chart. I will then Reiki the piece, to close out it’s creation. Costs vary on time of research, types of gems and size of necklace. If you have an interest in this customized service, please feel free to email me at

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog.  If you found this of interest, please check out my,

FOR THE LOVE OF LUNA blog. There you will find so many great ways to utilize crystals and healing stones.

Please join me on my :


InstaGram Feed

YouTube Channel

Peace, Love & Rocks,
