Meriwether’s Retreat, an Exceptional Bed & Breakfast.

Meriwether’s Retreat Bed & Breakfast is an exceptional stay!

One might be misled by the seemingly sleepy little town of Hohenwald Tn. but if you peel back the cozy, comfortable blanket of rural life, you’re going to get the surprise of your life, as I did! Meriwether’s Retreat Bed & Breakfast could not be more adorable.

I am an artist, living just outside of a stress chamber called, Atlanta, Georgia. A place where the traffic is ridiculously terrifying, people are indifferent or just downright mean. It’s hustle meets bustle and takes a bully beating on one’s soul. After a super busy holiday season and a house remodel, I needed to decompress big time. A friend of mine told me about MERIWETHER’S RETREAT and I decided to go check it out for a long weekend.


Crock-Pot Chicken Recipe, It’s Never Gonna Be A Turkey!

Crock-Pot Chicken, Cooking On The Fly With BA
Crock-Pot Chicken is never gonna be turkey but the sweet potatoes and gravy rocked.

Crock-Pot Chicken Recipe

My Crock-Pot Chicken Recipe, Is Never Gonna Be As Good As The Recent Turkey Crock-Pot Recipe!

Well, Boo!  After a couple of attempts, it is official, I can not make the Crock-Pot Chicken Recipe, taste as fabulous as the Crock-Pot Turkey. You Can check out the  CROCK-POT TURKEY  recipe blog.

While this is still a great dish and wonderful for winter, it is not as ground breaking as the crock-pot turkey. BOOO HOOO! I have however come upon a learning curve with the roasted sweet potatoes; this time I added some bing cherries, not bad!


Red Fish & Shrimp & Chorizo Recipe

Red Fish, Shrimp & Chorizo Recipe, Cooking On The Fly With BA

Red Fish, Shrimp & Chorizo Recipe

It’s my mom’s birthday tomorrow, so I thought I would make a dinner celebrating in her name. Red Fish, Shrimp & Chorizo goodness seemed pretty perfect!

What we have here is; fresh caught, red fish (by Glenn ) and fresh gulf shrimp that we bought right off the boat and cleaned ourselves. It’s a very simple throw together recipe that will have everyone asking for seconds and thirds. Well, John did anyway!

♦◊♦ This menu calls for pasta.

This go around, I used a pumpkin sage ravioli but you can use whatever you prefer. Just remember, when choosing a pasta, pick one that holds sauce. Nobody will not want to miss a drop of this creamy goodness.



Bourbon Ranch Calabrese Tuna Steaks with Sweated Purple Cabbage

Bourbon Ranch Calabrese Tuna Steaks Recipe, Cooking On The Fly With BA
Bourbon Ranch Calabrese Tuna Steaks with Sweated Purple CabbageZBourbon Ranch Calabrese Tuna Steaks with Sweated Purple Cabbage

Bourbon Ranch Calabrese Tuna Steaks with Sweated Purple Cabbage

The picture isn’t all that but I need a reminder that bourbon ranch calabrese Tuna with sweated purple cabbage with garlic and a little calabrese thrown in …. Is the mother lovin bomb!!! Even John gave it five stars!!! And that purple is to die for!!!

Marinade tuna steaks.

  • garlic, 1 -2 cloves (to your taste)
  • 3 tablespoons, maybe more, your call. olive oil,
  • packet of  dry ranch dressing
  • half a cup of bourbon. (For those of you worried about John’s AA status, no worries, the alcohol cooks off and really, there is no bourbon taste. )
  • Let the meat hang out in that for a day.



Bourbon Ranch Calabrese Steak Recipe

Bourbon Ranch Calabrese steak recipe, Cooking On The Fly With BA
BA’s Bourbon Ranch Calabrese steaks with mixed veggies

Bourbon Ranch Calabrese Steak

Bourbon Ranch Calabrese Steak Recipe with mixed veggies.

People wanted an update on the eye of round experience. Couple things to note; this is my 4th time cooking with an iron skillet, my first time cooking eye of round, my first time cooking beef inside and not out on a grill and I can read a recipe but god only knows if I am gonna follow it.

I have been hitting so many 5 stars out of the kitchen now that anything less is, well, a bummer for this competitive gal. I think we have to give this a 4. Not for my effort,of course, but just for ingredients. Had I done this with a fillet…. Shut the door!

The trick is to marinate and not over cook. I probably should have pulled it three min. sooner. The middle was good but the outsides were just ok. All in all pretty flavorful and John was full and that usually never happens!  

P.s for those not in the know, like I was, eye of round is a very tough cut of meat.


I do hate being told what to do and so…. maybe that’s my deal with recipes. I got this off line from the Paula Dean lady but some how translated Italian dressing dry packet mix, into ranch. That’s weird because I don’t really care for ranch. Anyway. I also added the Calabrese because…. I’m just trying to use it up and hey, it makes things yummy.



What is Smudging. BA's blog answers the question, what is smudging or saging?
BA’s answers the question what is smudging?

Smudging with B.A.


What Is Smudging? November 3rd, 2017

I remember when I was asking this question! My Smudging practices have gotten a little more detailed than when I first started out but some of you have been asking me “what is smudging and how do you do it?” So, I thought I would share how I began. John always has a New Years Eve gig and is gone so, I began by starting the new year off clearing the house. You can take these steps I used and morph them to your own needs. Best wishes!!!


“BA’s gonna be world Famous BAnana Breakfast Bread”

World Famous BAnana Breakfast Bread, Cooking On The Fly With BA

World Famous BAnana Breakfast Bread Recipe

“BA’s gonna be world famous BAnana  breakfast bread” is finished and cooling. Chili is cooking. The house is as clean as it’s ever going to be. Fresh flowers cut (my mom taught me that). Landscaping done to the best of our ability thanks to Irma. Now …. We wait. Parental units… Any second now. I am going to take a min. to blog out about my soon to be world famous BAnana  breakfast bread recipe

My BAnana Breakfast Bread Recipe…

This recipe is for a denser bread. It will not be light and fluffy.  I can’t stand breads that crumble a part.  I think this recipe resembles a pound cake consistency. John is diabetic and I can’t stand breakfast, so I am always looking for a way to meet the needs of these two issues.  I invented this bread as a quick breakfast for me and a tasty “treat” for him. If you follow it they way I wrote it, it is pretty darn healthy. Omit any of the seeds or nuts to your liking. I use them to up the fiber, protein and nutrients.

Preheat your oven to 350 and prepare your cake/ loaf pans. I use butter and flour and 2 9 in. baking pans.

Ingredients my BAnana Breakfast Bread

  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup of rolled oats
  • 12 teaspoon salt 
  • 12 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 2 teaspoon vanilla extract (or to preference)
  • 12 cup butter, softened
  • 34 cup brown sugar, packed (I use 1/4 less due to living with a diabetic”
  • 2  room temperature eggs
  • 3 medium bananas, ripe & mashed (about 1 cup)
  • 2 tablespoons of chia seeds
  • 1 tablespoon of pumpkins seeds (or not)
  • 2 scoops of vanilla plant based protein powder
  • 1/4 cup dark chocolate chips
  • Walnut pieces to preference


Jonah J. Jenkins Roasted Beet Recipe

The Jonah J. Jenkins roasted beet recipe. BA is serving up organic roasted beets. Easy as 1,2,3.
The Jonah J. Jenkins roasted beets. I feel organic is much better for this dish.

Roasted Beet Recipe

Jonah J. Jenkins Roasted Beet Recipe to the rescue! I’ve been reading about beets lately and it seems I should table my dislike and figure out how to like them.  As I suspected, garden beets taste DRASTICALLY different than you can crap you buy at the grocery store. I hit my peeps up on fb for their fave recipe. Mr. Jonah J. Jenkins for the grand slam!!! It sure is great to have friends that cook and can inspire you!!

Jonah J. Jenkins came through with the grand slam with this easy 2 step roasted beet recipe  :

  • Do not peel them. Wash the beets and chop off the stem/greens. You can use those later for smoothies, or sautéed with olive oil and garlic!
  • Rub each beet with olive oil
  • Bake them whole in the oven (350-375) for about an hour

Using a fork, when you are able to push into the beets, with little resistance, they are done. Let the beets cool, slice them into bite sized chunks and put them into a Tupperware container, to enjoy when you are ready.  You can also freeze them for a later time. 

**** I did try freezing them.  I thawed my Jonah beets, tossed them with walnuts, balsamic vinaigrette and added some chevre! Oh my gosh, so tasty and that led to my Beet Tower recipe!  Check out my blog;  BA’s BEET TOWERS

Thanks for checking out my recipe. Drop a comment below and let me know if you tried the recipe and how you liked it.  Please check out my other blog recipes at “Cooking on the Fly with BA.” or find me on my FB PAGE.

And remember I have all kinds or wonderful things to check out in my SHOP! 

The Perseverance Rule


The Perseverance Rule a blog about finding Outsider Art
All Thing BA Art, where you can shop for Whimsy Art by BA, Natural Healing Stones Jewelry, Crochet and Pottery


The Perseverance Rule, Outsider Art is about not giving up!

The perseverance rule is a very valuable rule to learn and follow. I think I have pretty much gone through life outside of a box.  As a younger person, I was never really in, with the “IN” crowd. I might of had a brief moment where I fit into a genre in high school but that was mainly due to the music I was listening to. Other than that, I kinda just moved to my own beat… I think. hahaha, There is that memory issue!

The Journey to Outsider Art

Anyway, lately I have noticed that Natural Healing Stones Jewelry is morphing, or more to the point, I am morphing and my box is not budging. I am now not only into Jewelry but am delving into glass fusing, pottery and art. OH MY!

The art thing took me by surprise really. Most of you don’t know this but my first two years in college, I was an art major. The first year was great. My professors were digging what I was putting out and I thought I was the bomb. Those were the ONLY classes I was making A’s and B’s in, I thought I had found my niche.

Then year two came, the year I decided to be politically outspoken. I didn’t much care for an overly liberal comment from a professor and had the gumption to say so. From then on my art work was deemed D/F worthy. WHAT?!?! That is how I discovered, I do art for myself. I decide what I like and don’t like.  I realized I didn’t much care for creating to please someone, just so that I could get a good grade. Then I had my accident… hahaha, another blog. Ahhh, the synchronicity of it all.



Firsts, BA writes her first blog. Prepare yourselves! FIRTSTS a first blog by B.A.

Kinda crazy cool that we can have a last and never run out of firsts. Hmmm, as my coffee takes hold, I do see the flaw in that thinking but I choose to look at the world of firsts and see all of the adventure it holds.

FIRSTS, Blogging.

This is a first for me and starting with the first, I would like to apologize for my grammar! And… I just noticed through the help of apologize and grammar that this thing comes with spell check. Whew. It’s completely insane, that as I get older, these two things are vanishing from my brain cells at an alarming speed.

Anyway, I digress, back to firsts. Blogging, It’s a total first for me. I have been putting it off, thinking that; nobody wants to hear me ramble on and I’m pretty sure it’s damn near impossible to figure out what’s going on inside of my head. However, I seem to get some sort of personal enjoyment out of having my say in things or more to the point, just saying anything. So, here it is, the first BA blog.

Adventurous spirit, filled with the need to create, the stubbornness to do what she pleases (against all kinds of crazy odds) and now has the gumption to be heard.

Holy Flopping Torpedoes, may the force be with you and may you get to experience a first today! <3

P.S I will pledge to hold back on the dot, dot, dot (…) For some insane reason my brain feels the dot dot dot has way more power than a comma.

  • A first could be that you check out my All Things BA Art Shop!
  • Have ya done something out of the ordinary? Do ya want to do something out of the ordinary?  Go for it, this is your sign to do a FIRST!  Drop a line here in the comment or check me out on Facebook to discuss!!!