B.A.’s Sweet Potato Mash, (Whole 30 Compliant)

B.A.'s Sweet Potato Mash


B.A.’s Sweet Potato Mash

yes, folks, this is a “Whole 30” compliant recipe.

No sugar, No Dairy & Gluten free!

It’s so delicious, you won’t have to tell them it’s healthy. 

This recipe really needs no spices added but sometimes I will change this up a bit using spices.  Tonight I added curry but you may want to try out cinnamon, cardamom…. or just whatever you fancy.  Be creative!



What You Will Need;

4 large sweet potatoes.  I personally think the organic ones taste sweeter

1/4 cup of coconut milk

3 – 4 teaspoons of ghee (you can use butter if you are not doing Whole 30)

salt, to taste.


Interview with Voyage Atlanta Magazine

B.A.’s Interview with Voyage Atlanta Magazine;

Well it has happened! My first interview ever.  When I was hit up to do an interview with Voyage Atlanta Magazine, I was kind of surprised, John always snags the interviews in this house! It turns out several people recommended me and that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Thank you so much for your support.

Interview with Voyage Atlanta MagazineThis magazine’s background is really rather amazing. The dedication and personal stories of the two individuals that founded and run this magazine, are well worth the read. I appreciate and am thankful for their hard work on helping to share the interesting stories of other local artists and business men and women.  I would hope that you would check them out too. You can nominate other folks if you like as well.


Well there is plenty to read in the interview, I won’t blather on here. Thanks for stopping by to take a look at the website and be sure to wander over to my Shop, to see what is new.  I also have been working super hard to build my YouTube Channel, it would be mighty awesome if you would subscribe to it. Have a great day.

Peace, love and Rocks, BA.


The Flaming, Steamer on Our Doorsteps, 2020

A selection of hand painted artwork done on tiles
A selection of original artwork done on tiles

2020, The Flaming Steamer On Our Doorstep by B.A.

Seems just like yesterday. I was howling at the moon from my front porch, in celebration of the coming new year.  2019 was so shitty. Our whole entire year, delivered a steaming load of flaming crap at our front door, on a monthly basis. I tried my best to find the positive.  I really worked hard at learning the lessons 2019 had to bestow, so that I could manifest 2020 to be so much better.  Transitions are always so difficult.  Growing pains mostly just suck but I know they are worth it in the end. I just felt a euphoric sense about 2020. It’s going to be magical, my year. Our year!!  If we could just hold on and work our way through the crappy juju of 2019, we would reap the rewards.  2020 life would be great, maybe even relaxing.

Back to the porch and that moment.

I was ready and happy to shed the yuck of 2019. As I said, a euphoric feeling took over me that night. I felt that 2020 would be magical and that really wonderful things would happen. This is worth repeating, I had super high hopes and intentions for the coming year!  Well, if I am completely honest and don’t rewrite history; I felt that way, as I was smudging all of the rooms of the house, before I walked out on to the porch to howl in the new year.


Cuban Coffee Espresso Cake with Chocolate Espresso Buttercream Frosting by B.A.


Cuban Coffee Espresso Cake by All Things B.A. ArtCuban Coffee Espresso Cake with

Chocolate Espresso Buttercream Frosting by B.A. 

The longest name in the world is meant to slow you down while you are eating it. The texture, the moistness, it will be half gone before you are done rolling your eyes in bliss.

A side note though; of course my mind is always set to morphing something. While I was eating this with my husband, I devised what I think would be an even better frosting to go with this cake.  Honestly, this cake was created out of necessity .  For my husband’s birthday, I had baked his favorite double chocolate espresso cake and had a ton of frosting leftover.  I decided to create this recipe and use the remainder of the frosting.  While this was fabulously decadent, I think the new improved frosting would be better.  I will post both and you can pick and choose what one you would like to use.  So without further adieu, let’s get cooking!


What you will need for the Cuban Coffee Espresso Cake ( frosting instructions will come later)

  • 2 cups of sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons of baking soda
  • 2 cups of all purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 2 teaspoons of espresso powder
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1/2 cup of canola oil
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
  • 1 cup of cuban coffee  (No espresso pot? No worries. Just use coffee & brew it stronger, I won’t tell!)


B.A.’s Coconut Cream Whip

Whole 30 compliant coffee creamer recipeB.A.’s Coconut Cream Whip

yes, folks, this is a “Whole 30” compliant recipe.

No sugar, No Dairy & Gluten free!

You can use this in your coffee as a creamer replacement. You may use this as a topping for your fruit, sweet potatoes, beets or anything else you can think of, the sky’s the limit!

I hope in the future to create a tasty little desert with this but until that time arrives, let’s just keep it compliant.




What you will need;Whole 30 compliant whip coconut cream recipe

4 chopped, pitted dates

1 can of coconut cream (not milk)

2 tablespoons of rx almond nut butter


a blender, hand held or counter top

medium sized bowl




Read on for more info. (more…)

DIY Penny Floor by B.A.

DIY Penny Floor by BA

DIY Penny Floor by BA.

The guest bathroom remodel. Aka, the penny floor. Also known as The Abe Room. Or better known as, my own personal hell. Last but not least, universally known as, the project that went on forever.

The Start, no looking back now!

Well, I wished I had taken photos of the crappy bathroom before I started the make over.  First step, pull trim out and strip the wallpaper. Second, scrape and sand popcorn ceiling. (ugh) Step three, pull out the toilet. Fourth step, apply plaster to walls.  While that’s drying I took the opportunity to paint the toilet a copper color.  Things are moving along rather well and problem free.  The plaster was dry after two days and so the painting began.  I put on about five coats of paint.  The plaster really sucked it up but I’m very happy with the outcome.  The walls have a leather look to them.

Now…. Now it’s time to tackle the penny floor.



Meriwether’s Retreat, an Exceptional Bed & Breakfast.

Meriwether’s Retreat Bed & Breakfast is an exceptional stay!

One might be misled by the seemingly sleepy little town of Hohenwald Tn. but if you peel back the cozy, comfortable blanket of rural life, you’re going to get the surprise of your life, as I did! Meriwether’s Retreat Bed & Breakfast could not be more adorable.

I am an artist, living just outside of a stress chamber called, Atlanta, Georgia. A place where the traffic is ridiculously terrifying, people are indifferent or just downright mean. It’s hustle meets bustle and takes a bully beating on one’s soul. After a super busy holiday season and a house remodel, I needed to decompress big time. A friend of mine told me about MERIWETHER’S RETREAT and I decided to go check it out for a long weekend.
