February Moon Energy

)O( ~~~ February Moon Energy ~~~ )O( 

New Moon on the 10th ~ )O(  ~ Full Moon on the 24th

February’s New Moon arrives this month on the 10th.  Then we will be slipping into the full moon on the 24th.  What to usher in and what to bid adieu!  Enjoy the February moon energy my Luna Lovers!!!

  • Farmer’s Almanac calls it the Snow Moon
  • The Wiccans call it the Quickening moon or the Ice moon
  • The Native Americans practicing the Medicine Wheel call this the Rest and Cleansing moon

Interesting note; It is possible to have a month without a full moon. This will only occur in the month of February. If that does happen, either January or March will have two moons.

Tools to put in your tool box, to aide in creating a sacred space for February’s Moon energy are:

  • Colors associated with this moon; *light blue,* violet, silver
  • Tree; rowan, laurel, cedar (our Celtic friends) Quaking Aspen (Medicine Wheel)
  • Animal; Otter, Eagle, Unicorn
  • Stones; *Amethyst, *jasper, angelite, ammolite, nebula stone
  • Herbs; *balm of Gilead, *hyssop, *myrrh, *sage, honeysuckle, oak moss, jasmine, nutmeg
  • Scents; *wisteria, *heliotrope
  • Flower; *primrose
  • Metal; Lead, aluminum, white gold
  • Tibetan talisman stone for those born in this month; bloodstone

    Dry Herb & Resin Burner by All Things B.A. Art
    Dried Herb & Resin Burners

Words with * denotes that more than one type of source referenced this correspondence.


No mess, means more ZEN!

Don’t know where to begin with your ritual? I just created the no mess Dried Herb / Resin Burners. Never deal with messy charcoal bricks or ash again.


New Years Eve Ritual for 2024

New Years Eve Ritual

Another new years eve on my own. That’s the life you pick when you choose to live with a musician. I guess it bothers me a little bit, when I let myself think about it. However if I’m truthful, I probably dig it more, being alone on this night. I mean… yeah, I miss the kiss and that spark that flies in the excitement of that one moment when midnight hits and a new year begins and something magical goes down. I’m still not sure if that’s magic or expectation but whatever. Sigh. It’s thoughts like that, that lead you to creating your own majik. I’ve been sageing the house and doing a clearing/welcoming New Years Eve Ritual for that past 5 years and I can tell you, it’s always magical.



January Moon Energy, Packs Major Mojo!!!

)O( ~~~ January Moon Energy ~~~ )O( 

New Moon on the 11th ~ )O(  ~ Full Moon on the 25th

January’s New Moon shows up on the 11th of the month and the Full Moon slides in on the 25th. 2022was quite the ride but cheese and crackers, 2023 wasn’t a walk in the park either!! All eyes to the sky, time to let some stuff go and kick off this year right!  Enjoy the January moon energy my Luna Lovers!!!

Farmer’s Almanac calls it the Hunger moon / Wolf Moon

  • The Wiccans call it the cold moon
  • The Native Americans practicing the Medicine Wheel call it the Earth Renewal moon

Interesting note;

moon trees are grown from 500 seeds that were taken into orbit around the moon, by Stuart Rossa during the Apollo 14 mission, in 1791. Trees that were included in this assortment were; loblolly pine, sycamore, sweet-gum, red wood and douglas fir. Learn of their outcome by going to Wikipedia.

Tools to put in your tool box to aide in creating a sacred space for this January Moon Energy are:

  •  Colors associated with this moon cycle; *white,* blue violet, *black, indigo.
  • Tree; *Birch. A tree of new beginnings (our Celtic friends)
  •  Animal; Bear, fox, coyote and snow goose
  • Stones; *Garnet, *onyx, *jet, *chrysoprase, rose quartz, amethyst spirit quartz, quartz
  •  Herbs; *Holly thistle, *nuts & cones, patchouli, lavender, pine, peppermint
  • Scents; *musk, *mimosa
  • Flower; *snowdrop, crocus
  • Metal; lead
  • Tibetan talisman stone for those born in this month; emerald
  • Words with * denotes that more than one type of source referenced this correspondence

    Dry Herb & Resin Burner by All Things B.A. Art
    Dried Herb / Resin Burners


No mess, means more ZEN!

Don’t know where to begin with your ritual? I just created the no mess Dried Herb / Resin Burners. Never deal with messy charcoal bricks or ash again.


Iron Skillet Rosemary Chicken Recipe

Iron Skillet Rosemary Chicken Recipe, Cooking On The Fly With BA

Iron Skillet Rosemary Chicken Recipe

Seriously enjoying cooking in an iron skillet! Tonight’s brainstorm, is Iron Skillet Rosemary Chicken with Lemon and Asparagus.

  • Thin coating of olive oil in bottom of skillet, Throw in the oven to preheat both the skillet and the oven. (370 degrees)
  • While that’s happening, slice garlic, clean and cut asparagus, clean and cut up chicken (fairly big sections) grate zest of lemon and go cut some rosemary.
  • Pull skillet, lay down the rosemary and garlic. (Save a few slices)
  • Cover chicken with lemon zest and put chicken on top of rosemary and garlic.
  • Drizzle a little bit of olive oil over this.
  • Fill in open spaces and top with asparagus and saved garlic slices.
  • Add salt, black pepper and three small pats of butter.
  • Cover with tin foil, put back in the oven and Cook at 370 for 30 min.

The Finish line, wrapping it all up!

  • Pull the skillet, check to make sure chicken is done. Squeeze half a lemon over everything, cover and put in for another 5 min.
  • Plate. ** I may have to move to a new vegetable. I always seem to get asparagus that seems woody. Is there a secret to buying that? ***

Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my, Iron Skillet Rosemary Chicken Recipe.  If you used it, I hope you enjoyed it. Did you make changes to it?  Please leave a comment and let my know.  You can check out my other recipes on my blog; COOKING ON THE FLY WITH BA.  My recipes are super simple and really deliver in taste. Also, please take a min to peruse my STOREFRONT. I’m actually an artist, who loves cooking.  Finally, I would love to see you on my FB PAGE.  Feel free to reach out and join me there.

Have a splendid day in the kitchen!!

Peace, Love and Rocks,


Balsamic Eye of Round ~ sit down!!!!

Balsamic Eye of Round super easy crock pot recipe that delivers, Cooking On The Fly With BA

OH EMMMM G!! Balsamic Eye of Round.

We were so excited to try this Balsamic Eye of Round, I forgot to cook the green beans!!! It was off the chain. I never thought this cut of meat could become so tender! Five stars in this house!!!

  • 3-4 lb or eye of round (trimmed the fat off)
  • Use 1 regular sized can of beef broth
  • Add 1 cup of balsamic vinegar
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon worst shire
  • Use 1 1/2 tablespoon soy sauce ( i used low sodium)
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon of honey
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 3-4 springs of rosemary
  • 3-4 sprigs of thyme
  • 1 teaspoon of red pepper flakes

DO NOT cook vegetables with meat. They get too vinegary.


BA’s Basic Basil Pesto Recipe

I have fallen in love with this Basic Basil Pesto Recipe. I made a huge batch and have been pulling it out of the freezer over the year. It is simply wonderful.

Basic Basil Pesto Ingredients      Cooking on the Fly With BA's Basil Pesto Recipe,

  • 2 cups packed fresh basil leaves (place in processor)
  • 1/2 cup toasted pine nuts (or walnuts) (place in processor)
  • 4 cloves of garlic, minced (place in processor)
  • 1/2 cup grated high quality parmesan cheese (preferably parmigiana -Reggiano) (place in processor)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt (yep, place in processor)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of freshly ground pepper (again, place in processor)

process away, then add 2/3 cup of extra virgin olive oil till mixture becomes a paste. Makes two cups.
If you are not going to use right away cover entire surface of pesto with a thin coat of olive oil to prevent discoloring. Will keep in refrigerator several weeks and will freeze up to two months.
FOR ADDED WAPOW….. add two tablespoons of tomato paste!


Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my B.A.’s Basic Basil Pesto Recipe.  If you used it, I hope you enjoyed it. Did you make changes to it?  Please leave a comment and let me know. If you liked this recipe, you may want to look at my LAVENDER & LEMON COOKIES,  You can check out my other recipes on my blog; COOKING ON THE FLY WITH BA.  My recipes are super simple and really deliver in taste. Also, please take a min to peruse my STOREFRONT. I’m actually an artist, who loves cooking.  Finally, I would love to see you on my FB PAGE.  Feel free to reach out and join me there.

Have a splendid day in the kitchen!!

Peace, Love and Rocks



A Safe Spot, The Hilarity I Call Me by BA

A Safe Spot, The Hilarity I Call Me by BA

I was going through some old stories I have written and I found this one from October 22, 2008.
I’m thinking Patrick might think it’s funny, maybe Sue too. I am known for my “This is A Safe Spot” and this is a perfect example of my unbelievable gift for hiding things, even to myself!

An unusual thing has happened at my place.

Some of you may have noticed, I spent a lot of time traveling around last September. Well, I had this friend of mine stay at the house, to look after my dog Willow.  My friend has a bit of a drinking issue and just to make sure my house didn’t burn down,  I left plenty of beer for him and I took the liberty of putting my liquor in a ” a safe place”.

Well, NOW, I can’t seem to find the safe place. What the SHUCKS? That must be some safe place! Also, my Vampire teeth are missing ( I distinctly remember putting those in a safe place too! I said, yes, this is a safe place and put them there) and my bubble bath products. Where are my bubble bath products? I mean, I left the soapy bubbly stuff out by the tub and it’s still there.  But it seems, I put my lush bubble products (the most excellent stuff ever!)  in yet another safe place. I mean, I know my house is big but seriously, how many safe places can one place have?

So, that’s it. I have no teeth, no liquor and no bubble bath.

But, it seems, I have many safe places. Well, thank god for that, I guess.

On November 29, 2008 I wrote…

hahahaha, well today I found the “safe place”.  It only took me a little over a month and let me tell you it was a damn good hiding space too. I will have to remember it for the next time I’m playing hide and go seek. Now I’m going to fix a cocktail

*** For those of you thinking the above friend was MIGHTY during his hay day, it was not. ***

I hope you enjoyed reading “A Safe Spot”. Check out my other BLOGS  or “LIKE” my FBPAGE!

If you had a little chuckle and you would like to share this with your friends, please feel free.  That’s what those social networking button are for. Put them to work! hahaha.

And I would just love it, if you would check out my SHOP. I am always working on new things to inspire light spirits and happy hearts.

Thank you so much for visiting my website,

Peace, Love and Rocks,


Lemon & Orange Shortbread Cookies with Lemon glaze

Lemon & Orange Shortbread Cookies, Cooking on the fly with BA



Lemon & Orange Shortbread Cookies  with Lemon Glaze  

      Well, when lettuce has been banned by the CDC, what is a girl to do but bake!

Continuing my theme this winter of cooking with ingredients that brighten my day, I have added Orange and Lemon to my shortbread recipe.  I originally wanted to do all orange but my extract had gone dry.  I dropped back for a punt and used a Meyer lemon instead.



B.A.’s cooking tips:

For these Lemon & Orange Shortbread Cookies, spend the money and use Meyers Lemons.  They burst with flavor. Also, I like textures and I prefer to use sugar in the raw.  It adds a little molasses hit and does not break down like white sugar, so there is an added crunch. You can use white sugar if you want. ALSO…. cooking shortbread is like watching an avocado ripen.  You have about one min. to go from perfect to touch of burn. So… pay attention and watch those timers. I also like a smaller drop (two bite) cookie but if you prefer a larger one, go for it.



BA’s Boogeyman

BA’s Boogeyman Lives

To be exact, BA’s Boogeyman lives under her bed! It’s probably no surprise that I believe in the  boogeyman. After all, I believe in; fairies, dinosaurs, bigfoot, aliens and good customer service too! To get more to the point, I am certain the boogie man has taken up residence under my very own bed. I am never more certain about this, than the time it takes me to walk the 15 steps between the light switch to the bed, late at night. My attempt at adulting and talking myself out of this fact in those 15 steps. are completely annihilated in the last three seconds it takes my feet leave the floor and get completely on the bed!



Little Nuggets of Revenge, A “G” Rated Blog by BA

Little Nuggets of Revenge, A “G” Rated Blog by BA

As I diligently worked on building the Great Wall of B.A. today, I was reminded of, quite possibly, my funniest G-rated story to date, Little Nuggets of Revenge!

A while back, I had a problem with children walking through my herb garden. Every day a lady would come down the street in her minivan, turn around so that her minivan was ready for the direction that lead back to home and parked on the side of the street.  That’s if I was lucky!  Most of the time, she usually parked in my herb garden. The bus would arrive, the kiddies would hop off, running across the street in glee, jumping over the great wall of B.A and wreaking havoc all over my poor little plants.

The Adult Thing To Do

Now the adult thing to do, would be to have a chat with this woman and I did. I made sure I was out gardening when she came down to park. The obligatory, manufactured, b.s., small chat was made and then I dived in;
