October Moon Energy, Time Of Intention & Preparation

)O( ~~~ October Moon Energy ~~~ )O( 

  New Moon on the 15th ~)O( ~ Full Moon on the 29th

The October moon energies, alert us to prepare for the journey inward.  This month we enjoy the Harvest Moon on the 29th. Enjoy the October moon energy my Luna Lovers!!!

  • Farmer’s Almanac calls October’s full moons Harvest & Hunter’s full moons
  • The Wiccans call it the Blood moon
  • The Native Americans practicing the Medicine Wheel call this the Freeze Up moon

Interesting note;  two full moons in one month, indicates a time of flooding.

Tools to put in your tool box, to aide in creating a sacred space for October’s Moon Energies are:

  •  Colors associated with this moon; *green, orange, black, silver, red
  •  Tree; *yew, *cypress
  •  Animal; owl, jackal, scorpion, wolf
  •  Stones; *opal *tourmaline
  •  Herbs; *burdock, *pennyroyal, thistle, hops, mugwort, myrrh, ginger, thistle
  •  Scents; *pine, rosemary, patchouli, apple blossom, rose, strawberry
  •  Flower; calendula, rose, daisy,
  •  Metal; copper
  •  Tibetan talisman stone for those born in this month; jasper

    Dry Herb & Resin Burner by All Things B.A. Art
    Dried Herb & Resin Prayer Pot

Words with * denotes that more than one type of source referenced information.


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