March’s Full Moon is a call for spring.

)O( ~~~ March Moon Energy ~~~ )O( 

New Moon on the 10th ~ )O(  ~ Full Moon on the 25th 

The March moon energies bring us the much awaited, call to spring!!  March 19th, we celebrate and rejoice….. SPRING IS ON THE WAY!!! The Sun will shine directly on the equator and there will be nearly equal amounts of day and night throughout the world. This is known as the first day of spring (vernal equinox) in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of fall (autumnal equinox) in the Southern Hemisphere. Enjoy the March moon energy my Luna Lovers!!!

  • Farmer’s Almanac calls it the Sap or Worm Moon
  • The Wiccans call it the Storm moon
  • The Native Americans practicing the Medicine Wheel call this the Big Winds moon

Interesting note; according to folklore, it is lucky to hold a moonstone in your mouth at the full moon. It is said that if you do this, the future will be revealed.

Tools to put in your tool box, to aide in creating a sacred space for March’s Moon Energies are:

  •  Colors associated with this moon; *pale green *red violet, turquoise
  •  Tree; Ash, Adler, Dogwood
  •  Animal; Cougar, hedgehog, boar
  •  Stones; *Aquamarine, *Bloodstone, *Pink Fluorite, Amethyst
  •  Herbs; *broom, *yellow dock, *Irish moss, Jasmine, star anise, sage, catnip
  •  Scents; *honeysuckle, *apple blossom, sandalwood
  •  Flower; violet, daffodil, jonquil
  •  Metal; tin, platinum, pewter
  •  Tibetan talisman stone for those born in this month; Jade

Words with * denotes that more than one type of source referenced this correspondence


February Moon Energy

)O( ~~~ February Moon Energy ~~~ )O( 

New Moon on the 10th ~ )O(  ~ Full Moon on the 24th

February’s New Moon arrives this month on the 10th.  Then we will be slipping into the full moon on the 24th.  What to usher in and what to bid adieu!  Enjoy the February moon energy my Luna Lovers!!!

  • Farmer’s Almanac calls it the Snow Moon
  • The Wiccans call it the Quickening moon or the Ice moon
  • The Native Americans practicing the Medicine Wheel call this the Rest and Cleansing moon

Interesting note; It is possible to have a month without a full moon. This will only occur in the month of February. If that does happen, either January or March will have two moons.

Tools to put in your tool box, to aide in creating a sacred space for February’s Moon energy are:

  • Colors associated with this moon; *light blue,* violet, silver
  • Tree; rowan, laurel, cedar (our Celtic friends) Quaking Aspen (Medicine Wheel)
  • Animal; Otter, Eagle, Unicorn
  • Stones; *Amethyst, *jasper, angelite, ammolite, nebula stone
  • Herbs; *balm of Gilead, *hyssop, *myrrh, *sage, honeysuckle, oak moss, jasmine, nutmeg
  • Scents; *wisteria, *heliotrope
  • Flower; *primrose
  • Metal; Lead, aluminum, white gold
  • Tibetan talisman stone for those born in this month; bloodstone

    Dry Herb & Resin Burner by All Things B.A. Art
    Dried Herb & Resin Burners

Words with * denotes that more than one type of source referenced this correspondence.


No mess, means more ZEN!

Don’t know where to begin with your ritual? I just created the no mess Dried Herb / Resin Burners. Never deal with messy charcoal bricks or ash again.


January Moon Energy, Packs Major Mojo!!!

)O( ~~~ January Moon Energy ~~~ )O( 

New Moon on the 11th ~ )O(  ~ Full Moon on the 25th

January’s New Moon shows up on the 11th of the month and the Full Moon slides in on the 25th. 2022was quite the ride but cheese and crackers, 2023 wasn’t a walk in the park either!! All eyes to the sky, time to let some stuff go and kick off this year right!  Enjoy the January moon energy my Luna Lovers!!!

Farmer’s Almanac calls it the Hunger moon / Wolf Moon

  • The Wiccans call it the cold moon
  • The Native Americans practicing the Medicine Wheel call it the Earth Renewal moon

Interesting note;

moon trees are grown from 500 seeds that were taken into orbit around the moon, by Stuart Rossa during the Apollo 14 mission, in 1791. Trees that were included in this assortment were; loblolly pine, sycamore, sweet-gum, red wood and douglas fir. Learn of their outcome by going to Wikipedia.

Tools to put in your tool box to aide in creating a sacred space for this January Moon Energy are:

  •  Colors associated with this moon cycle; *white,* blue violet, *black, indigo.
  • Tree; *Birch. A tree of new beginnings (our Celtic friends)
  •  Animal; Bear, fox, coyote and snow goose
  • Stones; *Garnet, *onyx, *jet, *chrysoprase, rose quartz, amethyst spirit quartz, quartz
  •  Herbs; *Holly thistle, *nuts & cones, patchouli, lavender, pine, peppermint
  • Scents; *musk, *mimosa
  • Flower; *snowdrop, crocus
  • Metal; lead
  • Tibetan talisman stone for those born in this month; emerald
  • Words with * denotes that more than one type of source referenced this correspondence

    Dry Herb & Resin Burner by All Things B.A. Art
    Dried Herb / Resin Burners


No mess, means more ZEN!

Don’t know where to begin with your ritual? I just created the no mess Dried Herb / Resin Burners. Never deal with messy charcoal bricks or ash again.


Lavender & Lemon Cookie Recipe With Lemon Honey Icing

Lavender & Lemon Cookies With Lemon Honey Icing, Cooking On The Fly With BA
BA’s Lavender Lemon cookies with honey lemon icing.

Lavender & Lemon Cookie Recipe With Lemon Honey Icing

I don’t know about you but winter kinda gets me down and really brings out the depression in me.  I felt this year, I would combat my doldrums by cooking with fresh herbs and flowers during these winter months. Lavender & Lemon Cookie Recipe brings my spring and summer into winter with me, to keep me company.

Well today, I was having a not so great day.  If you can believe it, I got a speeding ticket just five min.  after I received my new drivers licence. (a great omen) A driver’s license that took me three trips to the DMV to receive. These days,  I believe it’s harder to stay as a legal resident in this country than it is to get into this country. That’s another blog though, I digress. So having a bad day, I decided to sweeten my disposition and improve my attitude by inventing these lovely yum yums! They have been neighbor and husband approved and I hope you like them too. Enjoy.

BA’s cooking tips for the Lavender Lemon Cookie Recipe~

Spend the extra bucks and use a Meyers lemon. I lightly ice my cookies, so the icing recipe will actually do two batches of cookies. You can always put the extra in a container and save for a later time or just double up on the cookie recipe and do two batches at once, your neighbors and Co-workers will love you!


Iron Skillet Rosemary Chicken Recipe

Iron Skillet Rosemary Chicken Recipe, Cooking On The Fly With BA

Iron Skillet Rosemary Chicken Recipe

Seriously enjoying cooking in an iron skillet! Tonight’s brainstorm, is Iron Skillet Rosemary Chicken with Lemon and Asparagus.

  • Thin coating of olive oil in bottom of skillet, Throw in the oven to preheat both the skillet and the oven. (370 degrees)
  • While that’s happening, slice garlic, clean and cut asparagus, clean and cut up chicken (fairly big sections) grate zest of lemon and go cut some rosemary.
  • Pull skillet, lay down the rosemary and garlic. (Save a few slices)
  • Cover chicken with lemon zest and put chicken on top of rosemary and garlic.
  • Drizzle a little bit of olive oil over this.
  • Fill in open spaces and top with asparagus and saved garlic slices.
  • Add salt, black pepper and three small pats of butter.
  • Cover with tin foil, put back in the oven and Cook at 370 for 30 min.

The Finish line, wrapping it all up!

  • Pull the skillet, check to make sure chicken is done. Squeeze half a lemon over everything, cover and put in for another 5 min.
  • Plate. ** I may have to move to a new vegetable. I always seem to get asparagus that seems woody. Is there a secret to buying that? ***

Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my, Iron Skillet Rosemary Chicken Recipe.  If you used it, I hope you enjoyed it. Did you make changes to it?  Please leave a comment and let my know.  You can check out my other recipes on my blog; COOKING ON THE FLY WITH BA.  My recipes are super simple and really deliver in taste. Also, please take a min to peruse my STOREFRONT. I’m actually an artist, who loves cooking.  Finally, I would love to see you on my FB PAGE.  Feel free to reach out and join me there.

Have a splendid day in the kitchen!!

Peace, Love and Rocks,


December’s Moon Energy

)O( ~~~ December Moon Energy ~~~ )O( 

New Moon on the 13th ~ )O(  ~ Full Moon on the 27th

December’s New moon shows up on the 13th of the month and the Full Moon slides in on the 27th. The Winter Solstice joins us on the 21st and signals a change in darkness but not before it delivers the shortest day of daylight in 2023!  Because the month of December has the shortest days of sunlight it  allows us to enjoy longer periods of moonlight at night. After the solstice the days will slowly grow longer.   Enjoy the December moon energy my Luna Lovers!!!


A Magical Spot to ponder

A Magical Spot to Ponder, Blog by BA at All Things BA Art
One of my many garden friends, DUDE! He is the first to greet you at The House of Harmonies.

A Magical Spot, November. 14,2014

A Magical Spot to Ponder.  Sometimes I will call them, places of zen. Those places that take us out of hectic and bring us back into balance. That safe spot to just let go and zone out!

Today’s thankful post is about finding that sweet spot. I do believe my porch is magical. It’s 37 degrees outside and if you have a front porch like mine, you can enjoy the high 60’s, maybe even the 70’s. Not gonna lie, having a house that gets full sun all year round produces a few problems to deal with. Finding a warm sunny spot to perch and let life roll on by, in winter, is not one of them. I am so freaking thankful that i have a place like this to warm my bones, relax and of course, to ponder things to be thankful for!


**** My Magical Spot is holding strong. It’s January 2024, the temps are in the teens. My safe haven is hovering up in the low 60’s.

*** The Magical Spot to Ponder is going strong in 2017.  Today’s high is 32!! Is this Georgia!! The porch pulled through and was a nice spot to sit and ponder about the last years trials and blessing. This girl is thankful. Be safe ya’all!

Thanks for taking the time to check this out.  I would love to hear about where you find balance. Drop me a line here (CONTACT)  or reach out to me on FaceBook!

Don’t forget, there is a SHOP here on this website. I have lots of great things to share with you, so please check it out! Thank you.

Peace, Love & Rocks,


Balsamic Eye of Round ~ sit down!!!!

Balsamic Eye of Round super easy crock pot recipe that delivers, Cooking On The Fly With BA

OH EMMMM G!! Balsamic Eye of Round.

We were so excited to try this Balsamic Eye of Round, I forgot to cook the green beans!!! It was off the chain. I never thought this cut of meat could become so tender! Five stars in this house!!!

  • 3-4 lb or eye of round (trimmed the fat off)
  • Use 1 regular sized can of beef broth
  • Add 1 cup of balsamic vinegar
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon worst shire
  • Use 1 1/2 tablespoon soy sauce ( i used low sodium)
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon of honey
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 3-4 springs of rosemary
  • 3-4 sprigs of thyme
  • 1 teaspoon of red pepper flakes

DO NOT cook vegetables with meat. They get too vinegary.


November’s Moon Energy, A Quiet Mind Makes A Strong Whole.

)O( ~~~ November Moon Energy ~~~ )O( 

New Moon on the 13th ~)O( ~ Full Moon on the 28th

The November moon energies will have us wrapping up our winter preparations and are guiding us to finding clarity through study and care. The days are shorter and time for introspection and self care should become more abundant in the month of November, despite the Thanksgiving festivities. The Beaver moon or the Long Snow moon, marks the time when critters finish gathering their food stores, tend to their last preparations for the long winter ahead and hunker down for the big chill.  Like them, we should take stock of our preparations and start our inward journey to self discovery and change. Enjoy the November moon energy my Luna Lovers!!!

  • Farmer’s Almanac calls November’s full moon The Beaver Moon
  • The Wiccans call it the Mourning moon
  • The Native Americans practicing the Medicine Wheel call this the Long Snow moon

Interesting note;  the moon is neither a planet or a star.  The moon is a satellite of the Earth.

Tools to put in your tool box, to aide in creating a sacred space for November’s Moon Energies are:

  •  Colors associated with this moon; *grey, *sea green, teal, black
  •  Tree; *elder, *cypress, spruce
  •  Animal; crocodile, *jackal, scorpion, sparrow
  •  Stones; *topaz, * lapis, obsidian
  •  Herbs; *blessed thistle, *verbena, *betony, vanilla, anise
  •  Scents; *cedar, *hyacinth, *peppermint, lemon
  •  Flower; *chrysanthemum
  •  Metal; iron, steel
  •  Tibetan talisman stone for those born in this month; pearl
    Dry Herb & Resin Burner by All Things B.A. Art
    Dried Herb / Resin Prayer Pots

Words with * denotes that more than one type of source referenced the information.

No mess, means more ZEN!

Don’t know where to begin with your ritual? I just created the no mess Dried Herb / Resin Prayer Pots. Never deal with messy charcoal bricks or ash again.


October Moon Energy, Time Of Intention & Preparation

)O( ~~~ October Moon Energy ~~~ )O( 

  New Moon on the 15th ~)O( ~ Full Moon on the 29th

The October moon energies, alert us to prepare for the journey inward.  This month we enjoy the Harvest Moon on the 29th. Enjoy the October moon energy my Luna Lovers!!!

  • Farmer’s Almanac calls October’s full moons Harvest & Hunter’s full moons
  • The Wiccans call it the Blood moon
  • The Native Americans practicing the Medicine Wheel call this the Freeze Up moon

Interesting note;  two full moons in one month, indicates a time of flooding.

Tools to put in your tool box, to aide in creating a sacred space for October’s Moon Energies are:

  •  Colors associated with this moon; *green, orange, black, silver, red
  •  Tree; *yew, *cypress
  •  Animal; owl, jackal, scorpion, wolf
  •  Stones; *opal *tourmaline
  •  Herbs; *burdock, *pennyroyal, thistle, hops, mugwort, myrrh, ginger, thistle
  •  Scents; *pine, rosemary, patchouli, apple blossom, rose, strawberry
  •  Flower; calendula, rose, daisy,
  •  Metal; copper
  •  Tibetan talisman stone for those born in this month; jasper

    Dry Herb & Resin Burner by All Things B.A. Art
    Dried Herb & Resin Prayer Pot

Words with * denotes that more than one type of source referenced information.


No mess, means more ZEN!

Don’t know where to begin with your ritual? I just created the no mess Dried Herb / Resin Prayer Pots. Never deal with messy charcoal bricks or ash again.
