January 21, 2024
)O( ~~~ February Moon Energy ~~~ )O(
New Moon on the 10th ~ )O( ~ Full Moon on the 24th
February’s New Moon arrives this month on the 10th. Then we will be slipping into the full moon on the 24th. What to usher in and what to bid adieu! Enjoy the February moon energy my Luna Lovers!!!
- Farmer’s Almanac calls it the Snow Moon
- The Wiccans call it the Quickening moon or the Ice moon
- The Native Americans practicing the Medicine Wheel call this the Rest and Cleansing moon
Interesting note; It is possible to have a month without a full moon. This will only occur in the month of February. If that does happen, either January or March will have two moons.
Tools to put in your tool box, to aide in creating a sacred space for February’s Moon energy are:
- Colors associated with this moon; *light blue,* violet, silver
- Tree; rowan, laurel, cedar (our Celtic friends) Quaking Aspen (Medicine Wheel)
- Animal; Otter, Eagle, Unicorn
- Stones; *Amethyst, *jasper, angelite, ammolite, nebula stone
- Herbs; *balm of Gilead, *hyssop, *myrrh, *sage, honeysuckle, oak moss, jasmine, nutmeg
- Scents; *wisteria, *heliotrope
- Flower; *primrose
- Metal; Lead, aluminum, white gold
- Tibetan talisman stone for those born in this month; bloodstone
Words with * denotes that more than one type of source referenced this correspondence.
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