A Magical Spot to ponder

A Magical Spot to Ponder, Blog by BA at All Things BA Art
One of my many garden friends, DUDE! He is the first to greet you at The House of Harmonies.

A Magical Spot, November. 14,2014

A Magical Spot to Ponder.  Sometimes I will call them, places of zen. Those places that take us out of hectic and bring us back into balance. That safe spot to just let go and zone out!

Today’s thankful post is about finding that sweet spot. I do believe my porch is magical. It’s 37 degrees outside and if you have a front porch like mine, you can enjoy the high 60’s, maybe even the 70’s. Not gonna lie, having a house that gets full sun all year round produces a few problems to deal with. Finding a warm sunny spot to perch and let life roll on by, in winter, is not one of them. I am so freaking thankful that i have a place like this to warm my bones, relax and of course, to ponder things to be thankful for!


**** My Magical Spot is holding strong. It’s January 2024, the temps are in the teens. My safe haven is hovering up in the low 60’s.

*** The Magical Spot to Ponder is going strong in 2017.  Today’s high is 32!! Is this Georgia!! The porch pulled through and was a nice spot to sit and ponder about the last years trials and blessing. This girl is thankful. Be safe ya’all!

Thanks for taking the time to check this out.  I would love to hear about where you find balance. Drop me a line here (CONTACT)  or reach out to me on FaceBook!

Don’t forget, there is a SHOP here on this website. I have lots of great things to share with you, so please check it out! Thank you.

Peace, Love & Rocks,


A Safe Spot, The Hilarity I Call Me by BA

A Safe Spot, The Hilarity I Call Me by BA

I was going through some old stories I have written and I found this one from October 22, 2008.
I’m thinking Patrick might think it’s funny, maybe Sue too. I am known for my “This is A Safe Spot” and this is a perfect example of my unbelievable gift for hiding things, even to myself!

An unusual thing has happened at my place.

Some of you may have noticed, I spent a lot of time traveling around last September. Well, I had this friend of mine stay at the house, to look after my dog Willow.  My friend has a bit of a drinking issue and just to make sure my house didn’t burn down,  I left plenty of beer for him and I took the liberty of putting my liquor in a ” a safe place”.

Well, NOW, I can’t seem to find the safe place. What the SHUCKS? That must be some safe place! Also, my Vampire teeth are missing ( I distinctly remember putting those in a safe place too! I said, yes, this is a safe place and put them there) and my bubble bath products. Where are my bubble bath products? I mean, I left the soapy bubbly stuff out by the tub and it’s still there.  But it seems, I put my lush bubble products (the most excellent stuff ever!)  in yet another safe place. I mean, I know my house is big but seriously, how many safe places can one place have?

So, that’s it. I have no teeth, no liquor and no bubble bath.

But, it seems, I have many safe places. Well, thank god for that, I guess.

On November 29, 2008 I wrote…

hahahaha, well today I found the “safe place”.  It only took me a little over a month and let me tell you it was a damn good hiding space too. I will have to remember it for the next time I’m playing hide and go seek. Now I’m going to fix a cocktail

*** For those of you thinking the above friend was MIGHTY during his hay day, it was not. ***

I hope you enjoyed reading “A Safe Spot”. Check out my other BLOGS  or “LIKE” my FBPAGE!

If you had a little chuckle and you would like to share this with your friends, please feel free.  That’s what those social networking button are for. Put them to work! hahaha.

And I would just love it, if you would check out my SHOP. I am always working on new things to inspire light spirits and happy hearts.

Thank you so much for visiting my website,

Peace, Love and Rocks,


BA’s Boogeyman

BA’s Boogeyman Lives

To be exact, BA’s Boogeyman lives under her bed! It’s probably no surprise that I believe in the  boogeyman. After all, I believe in; fairies, dinosaurs, bigfoot, aliens and good customer service too! To get more to the point, I am certain the boogie man has taken up residence under my very own bed. I am never more certain about this, than the time it takes me to walk the 15 steps between the light switch to the bed, late at night. My attempt at adulting and talking myself out of this fact in those 15 steps. are completely annihilated in the last three seconds it takes my feet leave the floor and get completely on the bed!



Meriwether’s Retreat, an Exceptional Bed & Breakfast.

Meriwether’s Retreat Bed & Breakfast is an exceptional stay!

One might be misled by the seemingly sleepy little town of Hohenwald Tn. but if you peel back the cozy, comfortable blanket of rural life, you’re going to get the surprise of your life, as I did! Meriwether’s Retreat Bed & Breakfast could not be more adorable.

I am an artist, living just outside of a stress chamber called, Atlanta, Georgia. A place where the traffic is ridiculously terrifying, people are indifferent or just downright mean. It’s hustle meets bustle and takes a bully beating on one’s soul. After a super busy holiday season and a house remodel, I needed to decompress big time. A friend of mine told me about MERIWETHER’S RETREAT and I decided to go check it out for a long weekend.
