New Years Eve Ritual for 2024

New Years Eve Ritual

Another new years eve on my own. That’s the life you pick when you choose to live with a musician. I guess it bothers me a little bit, when I let myself think about it. However if I’m truthful, I probably dig it more, being alone on this night. I mean… yeah, I miss the kiss and that spark that flies in the excitement of that one moment when midnight hits and a new year begins and something magical goes down. I’m still not sure if that’s magic or expectation but whatever. Sigh. It’s thoughts like that, that lead you to creating your own majik. I’ve been sageing the house and doing a clearing/welcoming New Years Eve Ritual for that past 5 years and I can tell you, it’s always magical.



January Moon Energy, Packs Major Mojo!!!

)O( ~~~ January Moon Energy ~~~ )O( 

New Moon on the 11th ~ )O(  ~ Full Moon on the 25th

January’s New Moon shows up on the 11th of the month and the Full Moon slides in on the 25th. 2022was quite the ride but cheese and crackers, 2023 wasn’t a walk in the park either!! All eyes to the sky, time to let some stuff go and kick off this year right!  Enjoy the January moon energy my Luna Lovers!!!

Farmer’s Almanac calls it the Hunger moon / Wolf Moon

  • The Wiccans call it the cold moon
  • The Native Americans practicing the Medicine Wheel call it the Earth Renewal moon

Interesting note;

moon trees are grown from 500 seeds that were taken into orbit around the moon, by Stuart Rossa during the Apollo 14 mission, in 1791. Trees that were included in this assortment were; loblolly pine, sycamore, sweet-gum, red wood and douglas fir. Learn of their outcome by going to Wikipedia.

Tools to put in your tool box to aide in creating a sacred space for this January Moon Energy are:

  •  Colors associated with this moon cycle; *white,* blue violet, *black, indigo.
  • Tree; *Birch. A tree of new beginnings (our Celtic friends)
  •  Animal; Bear, fox, coyote and snow goose
  • Stones; *Garnet, *onyx, *jet, *chrysoprase, rose quartz, amethyst spirit quartz, quartz
  •  Herbs; *Holly thistle, *nuts & cones, patchouli, lavender, pine, peppermint
  • Scents; *musk, *mimosa
  • Flower; *snowdrop, crocus
  • Metal; lead
  • Tibetan talisman stone for those born in this month; emerald
  • Words with * denotes that more than one type of source referenced this correspondence

    Dry Herb & Resin Burner by All Things B.A. Art
    Dried Herb / Resin Burners


No mess, means more ZEN!

Don’t know where to begin with your ritual? I just created the no mess Dried Herb / Resin Burners. Never deal with messy charcoal bricks or ash again.


The Flaming, Steamer on Our Doorsteps, 2020

A selection of hand painted artwork done on tiles
A selection of original artwork done on tiles

2020, The Flaming Steamer On Our Doorstep by B.A.

Seems just like yesterday. I was howling at the moon from my front porch, in celebration of the coming new year.  2019 was so shitty. Our whole entire year, delivered a steaming load of flaming crap at our front door, on a monthly basis. I tried my best to find the positive.  I really worked hard at learning the lessons 2019 had to bestow, so that I could manifest 2020 to be so much better.  Transitions are always so difficult.  Growing pains mostly just suck but I know they are worth it in the end. I just felt a euphoric sense about 2020. It’s going to be magical, my year. Our year!!  If we could just hold on and work our way through the crappy juju of 2019, we would reap the rewards.  2020 life would be great, maybe even relaxing.

Back to the porch and that moment.

I was ready and happy to shed the yuck of 2019. As I said, a euphoric feeling took over me that night. I felt that 2020 would be magical and that really wonderful things would happen. This is worth repeating, I had super high hopes and intentions for the coming year!  Well, if I am completely honest and don’t rewrite history; I felt that way, as I was smudging all of the rooms of the house, before I walked out on to the porch to howl in the new year.



What is Smudging. BA's blog answers the question, what is smudging or saging?
BA’s answers the question what is smudging?

Smudging with B.A.


What Is Smudging? November 3rd, 2017

I remember when I was asking this question! My Smudging practices have gotten a little more detailed than when I first started out but some of you have been asking me “what is smudging and how do you do it?” So, I thought I would share how I began. John always has a New Years Eve gig and is gone so, I began by starting the new year off clearing the house. You can take these steps I used and morph them to your own needs. Best wishes!!!
