Red Fish & Shrimp & Chorizo Recipe

Red Fish, Shrimp & Chorizo Recipe, Cooking On The Fly With BA

Red Fish, Shrimp & Chorizo Recipe

It’s my mom’s birthday tomorrow, so I thought I would make a dinner celebrating in her name. Red Fish, Shrimp & Chorizo goodness seemed pretty perfect!

What we have here is; fresh caught, red fish (by Glenn ) and fresh gulf shrimp that we bought right off the boat and cleaned ourselves. It’s a very simple throw together recipe that will have everyone asking for seconds and thirds. Well, John did anyway!

♦◊♦ This menu calls for pasta.

This go around, I used a pumpkin sage ravioli but you can use whatever you prefer. Just remember, when choosing a pasta, pick one that holds sauce. Nobody will not want to miss a drop of this creamy goodness.

