Lavender & Lemon Cookie Recipe With Lemon Honey Icing

Lavender & Lemon Cookies With Lemon Honey Icing, Cooking On The Fly With BA
BA’s Lavender Lemon cookies with honey lemon icing.

Lavender & Lemon Cookie Recipe With Lemon Honey Icing

I don’t know about you but winter kinda gets me down and really brings out the depression in me.  I felt this year, I would combat my doldrums by cooking with fresh herbs and flowers during these winter months. Lavender & Lemon Cookie Recipe brings my spring and summer into winter with me, to keep me company.

Well today, I was having a not so great day.  If you can believe it, I got a speeding ticket just five min.  after I received my new drivers licence. (a great omen) A driver’s license that took me three trips to the DMV to receive. These days,  I believe it’s harder to stay as a legal resident in this country than it is to get into this country. That’s another blog though, I digress. So having a bad day, I decided to sweeten my disposition and improve my attitude by inventing these lovely yum yums! They have been neighbor and husband approved and I hope you like them too. Enjoy.

BA’s cooking tips for the Lavender Lemon Cookie Recipe~

Spend the extra bucks and use a Meyers lemon. I lightly ice my cookies, so the icing recipe will actually do two batches of cookies. You can always put the extra in a container and save for a later time or just double up on the cookie recipe and do two batches at once, your neighbors and Co-workers will love you!


Iron Skillet Rosemary Chicken Recipe

Iron Skillet Rosemary Chicken Recipe, Cooking On The Fly With BA

Iron Skillet Rosemary Chicken Recipe

Seriously enjoying cooking in an iron skillet! Tonight’s brainstorm, is Iron Skillet Rosemary Chicken with Lemon and Asparagus.

  • Thin coating of olive oil in bottom of skillet, Throw in the oven to preheat both the skillet and the oven. (370 degrees)
  • While that’s happening, slice garlic, clean and cut asparagus, clean and cut up chicken (fairly big sections) grate zest of lemon and go cut some rosemary.
  • Pull skillet, lay down the rosemary and garlic. (Save a few slices)
  • Cover chicken with lemon zest and put chicken on top of rosemary and garlic.
  • Drizzle a little bit of olive oil over this.
  • Fill in open spaces and top with asparagus and saved garlic slices.
  • Add salt, black pepper and three small pats of butter.
  • Cover with tin foil, put back in the oven and Cook at 370 for 30 min.

The Finish line, wrapping it all up!

  • Pull the skillet, check to make sure chicken is done. Squeeze half a lemon over everything, cover and put in for another 5 min.
  • Plate. ** I may have to move to a new vegetable. I always seem to get asparagus that seems woody. Is there a secret to buying that? ***

Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my, Iron Skillet Rosemary Chicken Recipe.  If you used it, I hope you enjoyed it. Did you make changes to it?  Please leave a comment and let my know.  You can check out my other recipes on my blog; COOKING ON THE FLY WITH BA.  My recipes are super simple and really deliver in taste. Also, please take a min to peruse my STOREFRONT. I’m actually an artist, who loves cooking.  Finally, I would love to see you on my FB PAGE.  Feel free to reach out and join me there.

Have a splendid day in the kitchen!!

Peace, Love and Rocks,


Balsamic Eye of Round ~ sit down!!!!

Balsamic Eye of Round super easy crock pot recipe that delivers, Cooking On The Fly With BA

OH EMMMM G!! Balsamic Eye of Round.

We were so excited to try this Balsamic Eye of Round, I forgot to cook the green beans!!! It was off the chain. I never thought this cut of meat could become so tender! Five stars in this house!!!

  • 3-4 lb or eye of round (trimmed the fat off)
  • Use 1 regular sized can of beef broth
  • Add 1 cup of balsamic vinegar
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon worst shire
  • Use 1 1/2 tablespoon soy sauce ( i used low sodium)
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon of honey
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 3-4 springs of rosemary
  • 3-4 sprigs of thyme
  • 1 teaspoon of red pepper flakes

DO NOT cook vegetables with meat. They get too vinegary.


BA’s Basic Basil Pesto Recipe

I have fallen in love with this Basic Basil Pesto Recipe. I made a huge batch and have been pulling it out of the freezer over the year. It is simply wonderful.

Basic Basil Pesto Ingredients      Cooking on the Fly With BA's Basil Pesto Recipe,

  • 2 cups packed fresh basil leaves (place in processor)
  • 1/2 cup toasted pine nuts (or walnuts) (place in processor)
  • 4 cloves of garlic, minced (place in processor)
  • 1/2 cup grated high quality parmesan cheese (preferably parmigiana -Reggiano) (place in processor)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt (yep, place in processor)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of freshly ground pepper (again, place in processor)

process away, then add 2/3 cup of extra virgin olive oil till mixture becomes a paste. Makes two cups.
If you are not going to use right away cover entire surface of pesto with a thin coat of olive oil to prevent discoloring. Will keep in refrigerator several weeks and will freeze up to two months.
FOR ADDED WAPOW….. add two tablespoons of tomato paste!


Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my B.A.’s Basic Basil Pesto Recipe.  If you used it, I hope you enjoyed it. Did you make changes to it?  Please leave a comment and let me know. If you liked this recipe, you may want to look at my LAVENDER & LEMON COOKIES,  You can check out my other recipes on my blog; COOKING ON THE FLY WITH BA.  My recipes are super simple and really deliver in taste. Also, please take a min to peruse my STOREFRONT. I’m actually an artist, who loves cooking.  Finally, I would love to see you on my FB PAGE.  Feel free to reach out and join me there.

Have a splendid day in the kitchen!!

Peace, Love and Rocks



B.A.’s Sweet Potato Mash, (Whole 30 Compliant)

B.A.'s Sweet Potato Mash


B.A.’s Sweet Potato Mash

yes, folks, this is a “Whole 30” compliant recipe.

No sugar, No Dairy & Gluten free!

It’s so delicious, you won’t have to tell them it’s healthy. 

This recipe really needs no spices added but sometimes I will change this up a bit using spices.  Tonight I added curry but you may want to try out cinnamon, cardamom…. or just whatever you fancy.  Be creative!



What You Will Need;

4 large sweet potatoes.  I personally think the organic ones taste sweeter

1/4 cup of coconut milk

3 – 4 teaspoons of ghee (you can use butter if you are not doing Whole 30)

salt, to taste.


BA’s Beet Towers Recipe

Cooking on the fly with BA. Roasted Beet Towers
As a side or a meal, these roasted beet towers hit the mark. Super easy to make and will wow with color and taste.
Cooking on the fly with BA. Roasted Beet Towers
As a side or a meal, these roasted beet towers hit the mark. Super easy to make and will wow with color and taste.






BA’s Beet Towers Recipe

The BA’s Beet Towers Recipe starts with, my friend Jonah Jay Jenkins roasted beet recipe. It’s unbelievably easy.   I use both purple and gold organic beets.  I love the color and I just think organic beets taste AMAZINGLY better than everything else!

  • don’t peel them, just wash them and chop off the stem/greens. You can use the stem and greens later for smoothies, or sautéed with olive oil and garlic!
  • rub each beet with olive oil
  • bake them whole in the oven (350-  375) for about an hour
  • when a fork can be pushed in with little resistance they are done.


Continue reading to make the towers..


Make it again, BA’s Mushroom Beef Stew Yum with Brussels & Beet salad

Cooking on the fly with BA's mushroom beef stew and roasted veggies
BA’s mushroom beef stew with roasted veggies

Roasted Beets with Brussels Sprouts salad recipe, Cooking On The Fly With BA


BA’s Mushroom Beef Stew

The first words out of his mouth were

“Oh My God, Babe!!”

I will take that as five stars.  Super easy to make, hearty and flavorful.  I will for sure be making this again.

BA Notes, before starting

I cooked the brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes and carrots separately but I don’t see why you couldn’t throw them all in.  I just choose not too because I’m not a fan over overcooked veggies and I like to give the dish a more complex flavor by seasoning them differently.  Also,this was my first time cooking a roast like this in a crock pot.  I cooked it for 8 hours on low, it could have cooked another two with no problem.  So next time, I will put it in over night and let it cook.

Well, I wish I could tell you what type of meat I used but, I can’t. It was a really lean, inexpensive piece, so I might say a top round. In the end I guess it doesn’t matter and you can use whatever you like.  This is what you will need to cook the beef in the crock pot;

  • Hunk of meat (I used about a 3lb piece),
  • 1 packet of dry onion soup mix,
  • 2 small sweet onions,
  • two cans of mushroom soup (I used low sodium),
  • minced garlic,
  • olive oil, parsley, black pepper and red wine.

♦◊♦ I will say, my next time I will also be adding portobello mushrooms.



Crock-Pot Chicken Recipe, It’s Never Gonna Be A Turkey!

Crock-Pot Chicken, Cooking On The Fly With BA
Crock-Pot Chicken is never gonna be turkey but the sweet potatoes and gravy rocked.

Crock-Pot Chicken Recipe

My Crock-Pot Chicken Recipe, Is Never Gonna Be As Good As The Recent Turkey Crock-Pot Recipe!

Well, Boo!  After a couple of attempts, it is official, I can not make the Crock-Pot Chicken Recipe, taste as fabulous as the Crock-Pot Turkey. You Can check out the  CROCK-POT TURKEY  recipe blog.

While this is still a great dish and wonderful for winter, it is not as ground breaking as the crock-pot turkey. BOOO HOOO! I have however come upon a learning curve with the roasted sweet potatoes; this time I added some bing cherries, not bad!


Red Fish & Shrimp & Chorizo Recipe

Red Fish, Shrimp & Chorizo Recipe, Cooking On The Fly With BA

Red Fish, Shrimp & Chorizo Recipe

It’s my mom’s birthday tomorrow, so I thought I would make a dinner celebrating in her name. Red Fish, Shrimp & Chorizo goodness seemed pretty perfect!

What we have here is; fresh caught, red fish (by Glenn ) and fresh gulf shrimp that we bought right off the boat and cleaned ourselves. It’s a very simple throw together recipe that will have everyone asking for seconds and thirds. Well, John did anyway!

♦◊♦ This menu calls for pasta.

This go around, I used a pumpkin sage ravioli but you can use whatever you prefer. Just remember, when choosing a pasta, pick one that holds sauce. Nobody will not want to miss a drop of this creamy goodness.



Bourbon Ranch Calabrese Tuna Steaks with Sweated Purple Cabbage

Bourbon Ranch Calabrese Tuna Steaks Recipe, Cooking On The Fly With BA
Bourbon Ranch Calabrese Tuna Steaks with Sweated Purple CabbageZBourbon Ranch Calabrese Tuna Steaks with Sweated Purple Cabbage

Bourbon Ranch Calabrese Tuna Steaks with Sweated Purple Cabbage

The picture isn’t all that but I need a reminder that bourbon ranch calabrese Tuna with sweated purple cabbage with garlic and a little calabrese thrown in …. Is the mother lovin bomb!!! Even John gave it five stars!!! And that purple is to die for!!!

Marinade tuna steaks.

  • garlic, 1 -2 cloves (to your taste)
  • 3 tablespoons, maybe more, your call. olive oil,
  • packet of  dry ranch dressing
  • half a cup of bourbon. (For those of you worried about John’s AA status, no worries, the alcohol cooks off and really, there is no bourbon taste. )
  • Let the meat hang out in that for a day.

