Sodalite Energy Properties

Metaphysical Vibrations of Amethyst


The Metaphysical Journey of Stones & Crystals, SODALITE

There is so much to learn, read and share when it comes to the metaphysical properties of stones and crystals.  I have spent over 22 years reading and working with them. Today, I am only sharing little snippets of what I have learned.  If this little bit peaks your interest in learning more, I encourage you down this path. I, myself, have found it encouraging, empowering and enlightening.  Comforting too, but that didn’t start with and E!

Can Sodalite Heal You?

People ask me all the time, can stones really heal you? My belief is; that stones and crystals can aid you in moving through dis-ease but no, I would say they are not a cure. I would not tell you to use them instead of going to a practitioner. I use them more like guides and I use them for meditation. You can check out my YouTube video, where I discuss this further.


Did you know that sodalite contains a lot of salt? It does. Back in the time of antiquity, sodalite was the stone of all artist because of its ability to promote inspiration and creativity. It was not favored well in the middle ages but has regained it popularity in modern times. This stone unites logic and intuition while eliminating mental confusion. It calms the mind and allows for one to receive information. It is considered a good stone to reduce high blood pressure and promotes a calming effect on the thyroid gland. Sodalite is most effective on the third eye. This stone should be worn or carried around as a touchstone for long periods of time. Discharge stones weekly or whenever the stone becomes cloudy, by running it underwater. To recharge, place the stone in water together with rock crystals.

◊♦◊ This “cleansing” is meant for single stones or crystals, not my handmade jewelry.

All Things BA Art offers up mix & match sets. Sodalite Bracelet Set
Artisan made & original design. Genuine Sodalite stacking bracelets.

So, that is just a little bit of an overview on Sodalite. If you have an interest in purchasing some genuine Sodalite jewelry, you should check my SHOP    for some beautiful one of a kind designs, like the staking bracelet you see to the right. I have also just put up my new CRYSTAL KEEPER MUGS. Start every morning out on a good vibe.

Stone Charts & Custom Work

I also offer a custom service to my clients. The very unique service I offer, is the chance to have a completely

customized piece of jewelry, that is unique and specific to only you.  I offer a service where I will run a stone chart on a client.  I take the month and day they were born, research that sign and then pose a few questions to the individual. Based on the weaknesses and strengths of their sign, coupled with their likes and dislikes, I design a piece of jewelry just for them, based on the stones that fall in their chart. I will then Reiki the piece, to close out it’s creation. Costs vary on time of research, types of gems and size of necklace. If you have an interest in this customized service, please feel free to email me at

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog.  If you found this of interest, please check out my,

FOR THE LOVE OF LUNA blog. There you will find so many great ways to utilize crystals and healing stones. 

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Peace, Love & Rocks, 
